Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

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Lucas Rey
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Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

Hello all,
I installed CACTI on Windows thanks to the great pack downloaded here:

Cacti works fine, execpt for I cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed. (no more info provided).

This is what I seen on CACTI Log:
07/01/2012 09:28:53 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Save Command Failed for Table 'data_template_rrd'. Error was 'Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'local_data_template_rrd_id' at row 1'
07/01/2012 09:28:53 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: There are no RRA's assigned to local_data_id: 10.

Could someone help me? Thanks!
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

First I've heard of this problem. Please attach the cacti-installer.log file for review.

Have you previously had Cacti, mysql, php installed before using the installer?
The cacti technical support page show any issues?
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

BSOD2600 wrote: Have you previously had Cacti, mysql, php installed before using the installer?
The cacti technical support page show any issues?
First of all, sorry for cross posting, I realized right now that both posted issue are, most probably, the same. I Believe "Save Failed" is related to rrd creation failed, reported in the following post:

Then, I tried your package on VMWare in a fresh Windows XP original MSDN and Windows Server 2008 installation (both updated with the latest M$ patch), so, there are no previous applications version. And yes, I reboot the machine after installation anche check NTFS permission on Windows Server! ;)

I attached the cacti-installer.log and cacti technical support page. Thanks!
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

The installer is broken for both a fresh XP and 2008 image? I wonder if it's a local issue then for a subcomponent installer. I test the installer in VMware images of XP and 2008 R2.

Mind sending me a copy of the cacti database? Need to figure out what's the deal with the column: 'local_data_template_rrd_id'.
shell> mysqldump -l --add-drop-table cacti > mysql.cacti
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

BSOD2600 wrote:The installer is broken for both a fresh XP and 2008 image?
Yes, both OS have the same issue. The Installer log I attached comes from XP Pro installation.
I test the installer in VMware images of XP and 2008 R2.
That's strange, because I make a fresh VMWare XP installation, update it via Microsoft update, then install CACTI from your package. I never change CACTI settings or make any other actions. Just done the following:
- Login into CACTI GUI and create a Data Input Methods (Scripts)
- Try to create a Data Source without success (save failed and no rrd created!!!)
BSOD2600 wrote:Mind sending me a copy of the cacti database? Need to figure out what's the deal with the column: 'local_data_template_rrd_id'.
shell> mysqldump -l --add-drop-table cacti > mysql.cacti
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

Well comparing your db dump to the original cacti.sql file, the only thing which appears different is everything is enclosed in those single tick marks which I suspect is due to character set/language settings for the environment.

What region/language do you have Windows configured with?
What default-character-set is defined in MySQL my.ini?

Since you're doing this stuff in a VM, mind changing the Windows region language to English and then running the cacti installer again? Once that works, then need to find out if the issue resides with PHP or MySQL locale stuff.
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

Weel, since I had the same doubt, I installed from scratch Windows XP Pro ENG (previously I worked on XP ITA).
Unfortunately I have the same issue (SAVE Failed and no rrd created)... Honestly I'm driving crazy and I cannot figure out why it doesn't work!!! :-?

Plus, I tried to install a previously cacti package (0.8.7 always on a clean XP ENG installation), this time I got no save failed, but still no rrd created.

If you want, I can upload VMWare image with ENG XP, just let me know where (like uploading, ddlstorage, and so on....)

BTW, I attached the my.ini file...
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

Hmm I see sql-mode is enabled, which is a source of some problems. Disable it, restart mysql service, and try again.

If that doesn't resolve it, sure... I could take a look at the vmware image. Hopefully the .vmdk file isn't too large for you to place somewhere....
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

BSOD2600 wrote:Hmm I see sql-mode is enabled, which is a source of some problems. Disable it, restart mysql service, and try again.

If that doesn't resolve it, sure... I could take a look at the vmware image. Hopefully the .vmdk file isn't too large for you to place somewhere....
BINGO!! Disabling the sql-mode did the trick, now I received: Save Succesfully!!!
BTW, no RRD still created under: c:\Apache2\htdocs\cacti\rra

If u think this can be help to solve the issue, I can upload the image wherever you want (it's about 1,5 GB)... Just choose the service you want to download from.
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

I don't think I need to see your vmware image any longer. It's still troubling though why sql-strict mode was enabled, when the installer options should've specified it was disabled. Does <webdir>\cacti\log\mysql_install.txt show sql-strict mode was disabled?

The rrd issue is often easily resolved. After waiting 2 polling cycles, does the error go away? Are the rrd file(s) being created? Any current errors in cacti.log?
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

BSOD2600 wrote:I don't think I need to see your vmware image any longer. It's still troubling though why sql-strict mode was enabled, when the installer options should've specified it was disabled. Does <webdir>\cacti\log\mysql_install.txt show sql-strict mode was disabled?
Based on what I seen on mysql_install.txt, Strict Mode should be active:

Code: Select all

Installing service ...
Product Name:         MySQL Server 5.5
Version:              5.5.22
Installation Path:    C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\
Creating configuration file C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\\my.ini using template C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\my-template.ini.
BSOD2600 wrote:The rrd issue is often easily resolved. After waiting 2 polling cycles, does the error go away? Are the rrd file(s) being created? Any current errors in cacti.log?
That's strange, because I installed cacti on ubuntu and it works fine. It creates RRD immediately and then, as expected, it populate the rrd after 3 cycles. Plus, on XP when I created the "Data Source", the RRD path filed is filled with: "<path_rra>//8.rrd". Why double slash? BTW, thanks to debug, I got the rrd create command and execute it manually, it works! Now I have the following file: 8.rrd. I'm waiting right now for 3/4 polling cycle to check if the data are shown in the chart.

Code: Select all

C:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe create \
C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/rra//8.rrd \
--step 300  \
DS:out_ms:GAUGE:600:0:U \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:500 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:500 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 \
RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797 \
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

Looks like the MySQL 5.5.22 installer/setup tool is then broken then, since it clearly didn't set strict mode. Lets hope they fix it in the current release.

It's typically a permission issue which prevents the creation of the rrd files. When you ran the rrdtool create command, you didn't do it under the web server service account, I bet. Anyways, now that another day has elapsed, is cacti creating rrd files yet or still broken? Double-check the file/folder security per ... e_security
Lucas Rey
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by Lucas Rey »

BSOD2600 wrote:Looks like the MySQL 5.5.22 installer/setup tool is then broken then, since it clearly didn't set strict mode. Lets hope they fix it in the current release.

It's typically a permission issue which prevents the creation of the rrd files. When you ran the rrdtool create command, you didn't do it under the web server service account, I bet. Anyways, now that another day has elapsed, is cacti creating rrd files yet or still broken? Double-check the file/folder security per ... e_security
Thanks for further feedback, BSOD.
What I don't still understand is which is the user that cacti use under Windows XP to start RRDTools to creare RRD database. Isn't the same logged user? In my case is "Administrator", since it's the only user created on the machine and also I don't use IIS as server.
Do I need to create a new user for that?
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by BSOD2600 »

It's complicated ;) The Cacti Scheduled Task user invokes poller.php, which in tern fires off cmd.php, custom scripts, and runs the rrdtool create/update commands. Per that security documentation, this account at min requires Modify permissions on the cacti/rra and cacti/log directories. The web service account, Apache in your case, also needs permissions to run 'rrdtool graph' command along with other things.
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Re: Cannot create DataSource due to Error: Save Failed.

Post by nescio »

Hello, I have installed Cacti 0.8.8a in a Windows 7 computer using the installer but when adding new devices I get the Error:Save Failed (Without any red box in the form nor other data). In the log, (i believe) it corresponds to the line

CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Save Command Failed for Table 'host'. Error was 'Field 'thold_host_email' doesn't have a default value'

It is probably related to the thold plugin I installed, but it is the same even though I disabled the plug-ins and entered an e-mail address to the e-mail parts under Settings/Thresholds and Settings/Mail-DNS.

Maybe the thold plugin is not compatible with 0.8.8a?
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