RPN Expression HELP!!

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RPN Expression HELP!!

Post by chadd »

Attempting to use the following in the RPN Expression field of a Thold, in the Thold plugin: version 0.4.3:


It is a memory graph for Cisco devices. It has two data sources - one is 5 Minute Memory Used and the other is 5 Minute Memory Free.

I was attempting to alert when memory utilization was above 80%. So, I figured if I took:

current_used / (current_used + current_free) * 100

I would get the current percent used...

Don't know much about RPN Expressions, and can't find any documentation for Thold that explains this feature, but could sure use some assistance.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: RPN Expression HELP!!

Post by jchana »

I recommend you to try |ds:hdd_used|,|ds:hdd_used|,|ds:hdd_free|,+,/,100,* in stead of the CDEF you have written.

For me that works :D
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