Really slow large tree structure

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Really slow large tree structure

Post by koski27 »

We've added a ton of devices with a rather large tree structure in 0.8.8a and it seems to be rather slow. Opening the individual links isn't the problem, it's moving between graphs in different area of the tree (If I click on one leaf, get my graphs and go to another leave there is a considerable pause).

After investigating this strictly appears to be on the user end and seems to be sometimes more problematic is some browsers. When you click on the leaf with the graphs, are presented with the graphs and then move to another leaf the browser windows clears and then totally refreshes. I'm not sure if it's totally reloading the page from the web server yet or it's just re-pulling from cache, but the entire screen, tree structure, etc refresh before it pulls the graphs from the web server.

Chrome is very bad (High CPU). Safari and IE seem to do this randomly about half the time (Sometimes you click on a graph and there's no noticeable blanking of the browser, sometimes there is). Firefox seems to have no problems at all for the most part.

Is there a way to speed up the tree? Is this an HTML problem that's specific to some browsers (Since firefox seems to work better than most, but there can be a little delay and Chrome just chews on the CPU for a time period).

I can direct some of my users to the List or Preview modes but some users need more information and will need the tree structure (Large number of devices and ports with large user base).

The tree is just slow and it's making this portion of the tool very unusable. Spine is extremely quick at polling the data, graphs generate fairly well, data pulled from the database has been tuned and works well, my only concern is the tree structure on the browser side.

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Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:24 am
Location: Athens, Greece

Re: Really slow large tree structure

Post by hol »

I had the same issue...

Just disable the "expand hosts" on the settings menu..
I keeps the tree javascript to the minimum.
Cacti 0.8.8a with Boost and Multiserver Poller Plugin
Over 2.5k devices and 300k datasources!
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