First problem was addressed by revision 7111: Graphs with CDEFs wouldn't generate. I wished I looked in SVN first. The fix was easy (replace two files), but it would have saved a lot of manually rebuilding stuff that was already working.
Second problem had me stumped for a day or so (sorry, I'm not a Cacti developer nor a PHP developer). None of my disk space graphs had the right values. Some had current disk usage greater than the total disk space. What I found was the following lines (looks like debug code to me) at about line 134 in script_server.php:
Code: Select all
fputs(STDOUT, "PHP Script Server has Started - Parent is " . $environ . "\n");
Code: Select all
/* fputs(STDOUT, "PHP Script Server has Started - Parent is " . $environ . "\n");
fflush(STDOUT); */