Wrong network interface statistics

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Wrong network interface statistics

Post by level15 »

Hi, all:

I set up SNMP on two servers and added them as Net/UCD devices to Cacti. I added graphs for interface statistics and started a huge network transfer between them for testing purposes. The transfer has been going for a while now, and I can see with iptraf that the receiving party has a consistent incoming rate of around 977000 kb/s, which is consistent with the fact that the network between the servers is Gigabit Ethernet. However, Cacti graphs only show around 60 Mb/s. Is there any limitation in Cacti which prevents it from getting an accurate network measurement for high speed transfers? Or am I missing something here?


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Re: Wrong network interface statistics

Post by apitsos »

Hmmm... Interesting...

I am having some issue with interface traffic, too. I am tracking several Windows machines with Cacti but one of them gives huge numbers of traffic. Terabytes within a few weeks, which is completely wrong for an idle machine!

I am trying to figure out why is this happening to only one machine, considering that the settings are identical with the other Windows machines I am tracking on the same Cacti server.
Anything can be achieved!
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