Add Data Query input field to graph template title

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Add Data Query input field to graph template title

Post by mlambie »

I have a data input method with three Input Fields - hostname, snmp_community and mac. The hostname and snmp_community fields use Cacti's Special Type Codes, and the mac field is a custom data dield which stores the MAC address of a target wireless client. My graph shows signal, noise and SNR between a base-station and its clients. I would like the graph template title to show the MAC address in the title, similar to this:

Code: Select all

My Host - Apple Airport Client Signal - 04:0C:CE:E3:F3:38
I can't work out how to reference the input variable using the piped token methods. I have read over the documentation regarding variables and thought that maybe this would work, but it appears to be for Data Queries, and not Data Input Methods.

Code: Select all

|host_description| - Apple Airport Client Signal - |query_mac|
Any advice?
Matt Lambie
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Re: Add Data Query input field to graph template title

Post by noname »

That's already available in Cacti 0.8.7i. Try using "|input_xxxx|".
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