Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by flep »

Can someone please post a complete (zip) package with all the latest files on the CBWFQ topic?

It seems that all info and files are spreaded across this topic.

Much appreciated!

Secondly in my pursuit on getting this to work a have the perl script working:

[root]# ./ [IP] [COMMUNITY] query all
Index:1083.1085 Policy:QOS Class:BACKGROUND Intf:Di0
Index:1083.1093 Policy:QOS Class:CONVERSATIONAL Intf:Di0
Index:1083.1099 Policy:QOS Class:INTERACTIVE Intf:Di0
Index:1083.1113 Policy:QOS Class:class-default Intf:Di0

However there is no response on the data query, see below.

Data Query [Cisco - Get CBWFQ Classes]
This data query returned 0 rows, perhaps there was a problem executing this data query. You can run this data query in debug mode to get more information.

Data Query Debug Information
+ Running data query [10].
+ Found type = '4 '[script query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl /var/www/cacti/scripts/ [IP] [COMMUNITY] index'
+ Executing script query 'perl /var/www/cacti/scripts/ [IP] [COMMUNIY] query class'
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'

thanks in advance
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by jchutch2 »

Hi...great script. I'm tweaking it as needed, however I've run into to something I don't quite understand. When the perl script runs, it gathers all data correctly. However, when it parses it through (I guess) the XML, it strips off the interface identifier. IE, it will say GigabitEthernet instead of GigabitEthernet2/1. Any thoughts on where I should start looking or has anyone run into this before? The only changes I've made are that I had to format the SNMP command for v3. But again, that script IS returning the full and correct information.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by noname »

>> it will say GigabitEthernet instead of GigabitEthernet2/1.

Try this:
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by jchutch2 »

noname wrote:>> it will say GigabitEthernet instead of GigabitEthernet2/1.

Try this:
Thanks for the idea, but that wasn't the issue. The graphs are all differently named and have a different number of characters in them. (I did try just to be sure, mind you) It always cuts off the numbers at the end of the interface name. It's actually a bit frustrating.

I'm continuing to dig, but if anyone has any other thoughts...? Thanks!
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by noname »

jchutch2 wrote:The graphs are all differently named and have a different number of characters in them. (I did try just to be sure, mind you) It always cuts off the numbers at the end of the interface name.
What shows when performed snmpwalk to . (ifName) ?
e.g. "GigabitEthernet2/1" or "GigabitEthernet 2/1" (separated by a space)?
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by jchutch2 »

noname wrote:
jchutch2 wrote:The graphs are all differently named and have a different number of characters in them. (I did try just to be sure, mind you) It always cuts off the numbers at the end of the interface name.
What shows when performed snmpwalk to . (ifName) ?
e.g. "GigabitEthernet2/1" or "GigabitEthernet 2/1" (separated by a space)?
Well, actually, I feel foolish. I made the changes requested, but I hadn't clicked the option to apply name changes or whatever the button is. After I did that, the nomenclature DID start showing up. So many thank yous!
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by binhld »

Dear All,

I have got same problem as flep when i associated data querie to device. The below for your reference. I using cacti 0.8.8a

[root]# ./ [IP] [COMMUNITY] query all

./ IP COMMUNITY query {bytes|class}
./ IP COMMUNITY get {bytes} CLASS

+ Running data query [14].
+ Found type = '4' [Script Query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/share/cacti/resource/script_queries/cbwfq.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing script for num of indexes 'perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ [IP] [COMMUNITY] num_indexes'
+ Executing script for list of indexes 'perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ [IP] [COMMUNITY] index' Index Count: 0
+ Executing script query 'perl /usr/share/cacti/scripts/ [IP] [COMMUNITY] query class'

Data Query [Cisco - Get CBWFQ Classes]
This data query returned 0 rows, perhaps there was a problem executing this data query. You can run this data query in debug mode to get more information.

Please kindly help me resolve this.

Best Regards
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by binhld »

Dear All,

Please kindly help me fix this issue

Best Regards,
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by CeJay »

Hi All

new user here, just wondering if there had been any updates to this template as of yet?

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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by ArcanjoV8 »

Guys, the script is working fine for me.

I used (you can found this file at previous pages).

put at /cacti_path/scripts/
use the command chmod 755 to ensure the right permissions
put cbwfq.xml at /cacti_path/resources/script_queries/
use the command chmod 644 cbwfq.xml to ensure the right permissions

After that, open cacti web magement interface. Click on Import templates and upload the file "cacti_data_query_cisco_cbq_classmap.xml"

After, click on devices, choose an enabled QoS router and Add
Associated Graph Templates and Add Associated Data Queries. Click on verbose to see if everything is working fine.

Thats all!
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by Tardoe »

Hi All,

Thanks to the original poster for this QoS template, it seems to be working really well so far. However, the 'bytes' data query is resulting in the graph showing the number of packets per second and not the actually speed of data (bits / sec). Is there anyway to graph this instead with this graph template?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by castroflaviojr »

Hi guys. I'm a newbie.

The script didn't work. I was running this to debug it:

perl public index

But there's no output from the script.

What could it be guys? a dependency I missed? misconfiguration in the routers?
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by pingfx »

I too am having issues getting this to work. When running the verbose query i get this..

+ Running data query [18].
+ Found type = '4' [Script Query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ <arg_num_indexes> missing in XML file, 'Index Count Changed' emulated by counting arg_index entries
+ Executing script for list of indexes '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/ elk3124net index' Index Count: 0
+ Executing script query '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/ elk3124net query index'
+ Executing script query '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/ elk3124net query interface'
+ Executing script query '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/ elk3124net query policymap'
+ Executing script query '/home/il2k/public_html/_domains/ elk3124net query class'

I see index in a lot of places in the script but am not sure what this is referencing.
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Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by Enjanced »

It's been a long time, but I found something.
When I installed the template (I was using the original one) I got bytes and drops in the same grpah, but values were NaN. Comparing the original and the dod show a difference in the snmppath.
It goes like this

Code: Select all

my $snmppath = "/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk";
my $snmpget = "/usr/local/bin/snmpget";
when the original goes like:

Code: Select all

my $snmppath = "/usr/bin/snmpwalk";
my $snmpget = "/usr/bin/snmpget";
Notice that I removed the "local"

Now my verbose output is

Code: Select all

+ Running data query [15].
+ Found type = '4' [Script Query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/html/resource/script_queries/cisco_qos.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ <arg_num_indexes> missing in XML file, 'Index Count Changed' emulated by counting arg_index entries
+ Executing script for list of indexes '/var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> index' Index Count: 23
+ Found index: 768.345233
+ Found index: 768.5941409
+ Found index: 768.7289937
+ Found index: 2530.2626529
+ Found index: 2530.3610865
+ Found index: 2530.13896209
+ Found index: 2562.3109857
+ Found index: 2562.3585009
+ Found index: 2562.4065761
+ Found index: 2562.5528929
+ Found index: 2562.6542113
+ Found index: 2562.8539601
+ Found index: 2562.9021489
+ Found index: 3266.111777
+ Found index: 3266.2064545
+ Found index: 3266.2528353
+ Found index: 3266.5028209
+ Found index: 3266.5437153
+ Found index: 3266.5823793
+ Found index: 3266.8694689
+ Found index: 3266.9890881
+ Found index: 3266.12644785
+ Found index: 3266.15864129
+ Executing script query '/var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> query index'
+ Found item [index='768.345233'] index: 768.345233
+ Found item [index='768.5941409'] index: 768.5941409
+ Found item [index='768.7289937'] index: 768.7289937
+ Found item [index='2530.2626529'] index: 2530.2626529
+ Found item [index='2530.3610865'] index: 2530.3610865
+ Found item [index='2530.13896209'] index: 2530.13896209
+ Found item [index='2562.3109857'] index: 2562.3109857
+ Found item [index='2562.3585009'] index: 2562.3585009
+ Found item [index='2562.4065761'] index: 2562.4065761
+ Found item [index='2562.5528929'] index: 2562.5528929
+ Found item [index='2562.6542113'] index: 2562.6542113
+ Found item [index='2562.8539601'] index: 2562.8539601
+ Found item [index='2562.9021489'] index: 2562.9021489
+ Found item [index='3266.111777'] index: 3266.111777
+ Found item [index='3266.2064545'] index: 3266.2064545
+ Found item [index='3266.2528353'] index: 3266.2528353
+ Found item [index='3266.5028209'] index: 3266.5028209
+ Found item [index='3266.5437153'] index: 3266.5437153
+ Found item [index='3266.5823793'] index: 3266.5823793
+ Found item [index='3266.8694689'] index: 3266.8694689
+ Found item [index='3266.9890881'] index: 3266.9890881
+ Found item [index='3266.12644785'] index: 3266.12644785
+ Found item [index='3266.15864129'] index: 3266.15864129
+ Executing script query '/var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> query interface'
+ Found item [interface='Gi1/48'] index: 768.345233
+ Found item [interface='Gi1/48'] index: 768.5941409
+ Found item [interface='Gi1/48'] index: 768.7289937
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.16'] index: 2530.2626529
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.16'] index: 2530.3610865
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.16'] index: 2530.13896209
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.3109857
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.3585009
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.4065761
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.5528929
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.6542113
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.8539601
+ Found item [interface='Gi5/2.17'] index: 2562.9021489
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.111777
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.2064545
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.2528353
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.5028209
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.5437153
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.5823793
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.8694689
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.9890881
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.12644785
+ Found item [interface='AT2/0/0.1'] index: 3266.15864129
+ Executing script query '/var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> query policymap'
+ Found item [policymap='broadcast-traffic-marking'] index: 768.345233
+ Found item [policymap='broadcast-traffic-marking'] index: 768.5941409
+ Found item [policymap='broadcast-traffic-marking'] index: 768.7289937
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BA-GC-Mia-Cloud'] index: 2530.2626529
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BA-GC-Mia-Cloud'] index: 2530.3610865
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BA-GC-Mia-Cloud'] index: 2530.13896209
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.3109857
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.3585009
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.4065761
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.5528929
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.6542113
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.8539601
+ Found item [policymap='qos-BAtoLATAM-mpls-police-out'] index: 2562.9021489
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.111777
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.2064545
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.2528353
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.5028209
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.5437153
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.5823793
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.8694689
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.9890881
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.12644785
+ Found item [policymap='rt-bawan-a-police-traffic'] index: 3266.15864129
+ Executing script query '/var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> query class'
+ Found item [class='broadcast-videorunner'] index: 768.345233
+ Found item [class='pathfire-electronic-delivery-orbital'] index: 768.5941409
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 768.7289937
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 2530.2626529
+ Found item [class='broadcast-video-BAtoMIA'] index: 2530.3610865
+ Found item [class='qos-management-BAtoMIA'] index: 2530.13896209
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 2562.3109857
+ Found item [class='Server-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.3585009
+ Found item [class='FileTransfer-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.4065761
+ Found item [class='VC-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.5528929
+ Found item [class='Streaming-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.6542113
+ Found item [class='Mgt-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.8539601
+ Found item [class='VoIP-to_LATAM_mpls-class-out'] index: 2562.9021489
+ Found item [class='video-teleconferencing'] index: 3266.111777
+ Found item [class='voip-trunks'] index: 3266.2064545
+ Found item [class='aspera-traffic'] index: 3266.2528353
+ Found item [class='Signiant'] index: 3266.5028209
+ Found item [class='broadcast-videorunner'] index: 3266.5437153
+ Found item [class='LA-Video'] index: 3266.5823793
+ Found item [class='corporate-servers-mirroring'] index: 3266.8694689
+ Found item [class='class-default'] index: 3266.9890881
+ Found item [class='Aleph-Citrix'] index: 3266.12644785
+ Found item [class='management'] index: 3266.15864129
Now it ALMOST works. I get bytes, but drops are still NaN.

A strange this is that if I call the script it throws errors for "get bytes|drops" but I can call snmpwalk. Look

Code: Select all

[root@cacti-test www]# perl /var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> get bytes
No log handling enabled - turning on stderr logging Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: enterprises -> )
[root@cacti-test www]# perl /var/www/html/scripts/ <ip> <community> get drops
No log handling enabled - turning on stderr logging Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: enterprises -> )
but if I do a snmpwalk:

Code: Select all

[root@cacti-test www]# snmpwalk -Os -c <community> -v 2c <ip>
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 1065009251
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 20370967
enterprises. = Counter32: 0
enterprises. = Counter32: 1014107978
enterprises. = Counter32: 692365
enterprises. = Counter32: 329615219
I'm thinking about whatching what the poller does to get this results, but I've got no clue how to do that. Maybe with the realtime plugin, but I don't know if/where it leaves a log.

Any ideas?

Code: Select all

Corporate Cacti
CactiEZ 0.7 (upgraded to 0.0.8h) - Spine 0.8.8h - RRDTool 1.4.7 - Apache 2.2.15 - Settings	0.71 - Maint 0.3	- Thold0.5	- Errorimage 0.2	 - Webmin 0.1
Watermark 0.2 - Monitor 1.3 - Realtime	0.5 - 	Nectar 0.35a - Fix64bit 0.4 - Autom8 0.36 - Quicktree 0.2

Code: Select all

Business Cacti
CactiEZ 0.7 - Spine 0.8.8b - RRDTool 1.3.8 - Apache 2.2.15 - Settings	0.71 - Maint 0.3	- Thold0.5	- Errorimage 0.2	 - Jqueryskin 0.1
Webmin 0.1 - Watermark 0.2 - Monitor 1.3 - Realtime	0.5 - 	Nectar 0.35a - Fix64bit 0.4 - Autom8 0.36 - Quicktree 0.2 - Syslog 1.22
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Joined: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:04 am

Re: Cisco CBWFQ monitoring

Post by Belroe »

Anyone got this working on Version 1.1.xx yet?

when I added it, it works on one switch and I can't get it to run on any others. It lets me create graphs, but never creates rrds..
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