Your Cacti very useful.
But poller is to slow, because poller item each "snmp_get" running.
This advanced source same job grouping and "snmp_walk" running.
Old source running to 5000 item 296 sec limitation.
This source running to 5000 item 144 sec successed finished.
Runngin envirionment Linux Fedora core / Xeon 2,8GHz 2CPU (4 thread) / 2GB Mem
Use good reference source.
I hope next feature applyed.
attached source is cmd.php
Good Luck.
email: winchild@kldp.org
poller advanced source
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
current usage running status
Code: Select all
mysql> select count(*) from poller_item;
| count(*) |
| 7764 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
12/29/2004 11:32:39 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time: 159.6885 s, Method: cmd.php, Processes: 1, Threads: N/A, Hosts: 49, Hosts/Process: 49
I satisfied. ^^
Sorry. check_cmts() source explane missing.
Code: Select all
function check_cmts($id)
$row = db_fetch_cell("SELECT a.host_type FROM host_list a, host b WHERE b.hostname=a.ip AND b.id=$id");
if ($row == "AC" || $row == "RO") return true;
return false;
All host support no problem.
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