Make Thold can send sms(enjoy this)^_^...

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Make Thold can send sms(enjoy this)^_^...

Post by tracky2007 »

First...sorry for my English...
This change based on Thold_Version0.49-3,PIA3.0,cacti0.87h and above...(on my cacti_host,not been test on other version)
features below:
1、sms support on thold list and templates;(my sms send by an oracle proc,so you need to install php-oci8 extensions,Simply you can thange to your method by modify thold_functions.php where the function call "thold_mms")
the user list selection is here:(you can use cacti's own user management)
02.JPG (12.99 KiB) Viewed 9212 times
2、Support Time Exempttion(thold list and templates,you can thoose when sms will not be send,this time control need class "My97DatePicker")
Time Exempttion
Time Exempttion
03.JPG (41.3 KiB) Viewed 9212 times
3、Support host down notification config by excel and sms send...(this need you include phpexcel classes)
04.JPG (37.11 KiB) Viewed 9212 times
If you like these change,you may need to do some modification below these:
1、alter tables(thold_data,thold_template) from mysql like this:
05.JPG (147.51 KiB) Viewed 9212 times
2、modify some php(thold.php,thold_functions.php,thold_templates.php,time control classes "My97DatePicker") like this zip:
update on 20111231 11:05
(94.09 KiB) Downloaded 547 times
(some bug found,so i'v update this file on 20111231 11:09)

Some attention:
For Simplified Chinese Support, I have to convert some $subject to GB2312,like this(in code):
"$subject = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $subject)"
if you use EN,you may turn this code back......

I really like cacti, like thold!Thank you for all Developers... thewitness,rony......
Last, hope you like this small modification and Merry Christmas... :D :D :D
Last edited by tracky2007 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Make Thold can send sms(enjoy this)^_^...

Post by noname »

tracky2007 wrote: 1、sms support on thold list and templates;(my sms send by an oracle proc,so you need to install php-oci8 extensions,Simply you can thange to your method by modify thold_functions.php where the function call "thold_mms")


Some attention:
For Simplified Chinese Support, I have to convert some $subject to GB2312,like this(in code):
"$subject = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $subject)"
if you use EN,you may turn this code back......
As he said, some part in thold_functions.php needs to be customized -- especially Chinese messages, file paths (e.g. $filepath, $smserr_filename) and code for sending SMS in function thold_mms() (hardcoded his own configurations for testing) etc.

But I think, this is a nice add-on of thold plugin for particular use.

For reference, here is a difference from original thold plugin:
Differences report by WinMerge
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Re: Make Thold can send sms(enjoy this)^_^...

Post by TheWitness »

I'll let Cigamit validate this one. Don't know if that should go into the Notification lists or not.
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Re: Make Thold can send sms(enjoy this)^_^...

Post by cigamit »

I haven't taken a look just yet, but I will later tonight. Ideally I would port over my code from thold trunk that allows multiple different types of alerts (email, snmp write, script execution, etc...) and this would be added as one of the types of alerts (or a separate plugin that hooks into thold to add this type of alert).
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