Poller isn't working.. No data gathered, script runs forever

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Poller isn't working.. No data gathered, script runs forever

Post by fangel »


I just installed Cacti on Windows 2000 (I prev. installed it on Linux, works fine). But now poller.php does nothing !
Running "php c:\htodcs\poller.php" returns in no output, and the program runs forever...

I then started to place different echo N; (N is incr. numbers) to see where it failed... I continues to run the loop started in line 148 in poller.php, and fails the first if-clause, does the else-clause, then re-runs...
This continues until time-out is reached...

Anybody got a clue to why this weird thing happens? (well, there is no break line in the else-clause, yes - but shouldn't it do some more??


Well, I then thought I would try Cactid - but this fails to with a "Can't connect to MySQL through socket /tmp/mysql.sock" - well duhh, no... its Win 2000... Is any programs needed (eg Cygwin?)

Morten Fangel


Post by Willie »


How I would approach this is to turn debug on and try 1 run of your poller.php. That will give you better output to see what is happening. Cactid does require cygwin to run. In order to make it work properly in windows, you will need to modify the cactid.conf file and put the ip of your mysql server in there (localhost will not work). then you can test it from the cmd prompt the same way as you would the internal poller. Just php poller.php. If you have your setting to run cactid, it will be invoked.


Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2004 4:03 am

Post by fangel »

I found the error... When using PHP5 you have to use php-win.exe...

So I had to update the path to php in Cacti (Settings -> Paths), that helped - and the system is now polling 35+ hosts doing over 250 graphs...

Morten Fangel
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