Threshold alerting for STM-1 links.

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Threshold alerting for STM-1 links.

Post by linux83 »

Hello All,

i setup a threshold alerting for our links with speeds of 100 and 1G base on percentage RPN and it's working perfect,
for STM1 links it's not giving correct reading base on percentage since formula will not match base on 155Mbps instead.
i'm using bytes value insted in "Exact value" and satisfy while no other way, just need when getting alerting to get readable value like above 120M instead of getting 120M base bytes value which is 15000000.

Update: if i use CDEF bye to bit will give proper bits reading like 120000000, is there any way to get it 120M on the display.

any assistance will be appreciated.

thanks alot.
Cisco Networking
*LeArN To KnOw*
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