ability to specify SNMP port number

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ability to specify SNMP port number

Post by bbice »

One thing that might be useful is the addition of a port number field to the page that asks for data for doing an SNMP query. I sometimes have several SNMP agents running on a single machine (on separate ports) and I may want to monitor variables on each of them.

For instance, I may be running the SNMP software that comes with Solaris on one port, but also running net-snmp on another (so I can monitor things like the number of ClearCase licenses in use or the number of SPAM messages blocked or whatever), and I may also be running SQUID which also has SNMP queriable values on a third port.

Right now, in cacti all I can specify is IP/hostname, community, and OID, right?


Post by Guest »


You have any solution yet for the port problem in cacti ?
I have the same problem here because i´m running portbased NAT
to reach different device vian SNMP.


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Post by bbice »

'Fraid not. I poked around in the guts enough to figure out how to make the snmp queries
work even using the built-in php routines which use the net-snmp libraries I compiled, and
also figured out how to make it do retries (which were necessary because I was also running
MRTG at the exact same time that cacti fired off it's data collection).

But the port really needs to be an option stored with each data object -- it would need to be
a new column in one or more of the tables and at least one form would need to be modified.
I didn't have time to dig into the code enough to implement it myself and haven't arranged
getting CVS access (so I could check in my changes).

I've got a few other projects on the back burner, but if nobody else takes this on, I may...
eventually... :-)


Squid and non-standard SNMP ports

Post by Bidds »


I found that the inbuilt SNMP code is happy to work with a fairly standard address:port syntax like most other applications.

I'm currently monitoring Squid's SNMP on port 3401 with the SNMP host set as localhost:3401, and the community and OID as you would normally use.

Hope this helps,

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Post by bbice »

Aha! Thanks for that tidbit. It certainly DOES help. (grin) And it's a whale of a lot easier
than modifying the database schema and rewriting bunches of the PHP code.
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Post by Koshatul »

is that in 0.8.2a ?
if i set the host, it's ok, but it keeps asking for the ip address to be filled in.

Post by xnet »


Anybody got scripts for graphing squid data (cache hits, size...) on snmp-squid port 3410?
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Re: Squid and non-standard SNMP ports

Post by evert »

Bidds wrote:Hi,

I'm currently monitoring Squid's SNMP on port 3401 with the SNMP host set as localhost:3401, and the community and OID as you would normally use.

Hope this helps,

Can you give us some more info/details on this? IMHO there are quite some people who'd like to do this... 8)
Evert Meulie
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