Below is the output of the commands (For the most part). If your installation is on a VM; best to take a snapshot of it first.
Code: Select all
First I updated the Plugins architecture with the following commands:
*** Fix the missing Netflow Directory
mkdir /var/netflows
mkdir /var/netflows/flows
[root@localhost plugins]# yum install nano
[root@localhost /]# cd /var/www/html/plugins
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# unzip
Website stuff for using the editor..... The editor has not been enabled yet. You need to set E
NABLED=true at the top of editor.php
[root@localhost plugins]# nano weathermap/editor.php
Correct the setting for Weathermap
[root@localhost plugins]# rm
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:aggregate-v0.75.tgz aggregate-v0.75.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -zvxf aggregate-v0.75.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm aggregate-v0.75.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:discovery-v1.1-1.tgz discovery-v1.1-1.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf discovery-v1.1-1.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm discovery-v1.1-1.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:boost-v4.3-1.tgz boost-v4.3-1.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf boost-v4.3-1.tzgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm boost-v4.3-1.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:monitor-v1.2-1.tgz monitor-v1.2.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf monitor-v1.2.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm monitor-v1.2.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:realtime-v0.43-1.tgz realtime.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf realtime.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm realtime.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:routerconfigs-v0.3-1.tgz routers.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf routers.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm routers.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:syslog-v1.21-1.tgz sys.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf sys.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm sys.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:settings-v0.7-1.tgz see.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf see.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm see.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:thold-latest.tgz th.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf th.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm th.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# mv thold /tmp/thold
[root@localhost plugins]# mv thold-0.41/ thold
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:ntop-v0.2-1.tgz ntop.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf ntop.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm ntop.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin\:loginmod-latest.tgz logmiod.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf logmiod.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# mv loginmod /tmp/loginmod
[root@localhost plugins]# mv loginmod-1.0/ loginmod
[root@localhost plugins]# rm logmod.tgz
[root@localhost var]# cd plugins /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack/
[root@localhost mactrack]# mysql cacti < mactrack.sql
[root@localhost mactrack]# php ./database_upgrade.php
[root@localhost mactrack]# cd ..
[root@localhost plugins]# wget
[root@localhost plugins]# mv plugin:mactrack-v2.9-1.tgz mactrack.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# tar -xzvf mactrack.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# rm mactrack.tgz
[root@localhost plugins]# cd ..
[root@localhost html]#chown -R apache plugins/
Now that the plugins have been updated, it's time to upgrade Cacti
[root@localhost html]# mysqldump l --add-drop-table cacti > mysql.cacti
[root@localhost html]# cd ..
[root@localhost www]# mv html/ html-old/
[root@localhost www]# wget
[root@localhost www]# tar -xzvf cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
[root@localhost www]# mv cacti-0.8.7g/ html/
[root@localhost www]# rm cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz
[root@localhost www]# cp html-old/include/config.php html/include/config.php
[root@localhost www]# mkdir html/plugins
[root@localhost www]# cp -R --reply=yes html-old/scripts/* html/scripts/
[root@localhost www]# cp -R --reply=yes html-old/rra/* html/rra/
[root@localhost www]# cp -R --reply=yes html-old/plugins/* html/plugins/
Now we start to update the plugin architecture
[root@localhost www]# cd /tmp
[root@localhost tmp]# wget
[root@localhost tmp]# tar xzvf cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.8.tar.gz
[root@localhost tmp]# cd /var/www/html
[root@localhost html]# patch -p1 -N < /tmp/cacti-plugin-arch/cacti-plugin-0.8.7g-PA-v2.8.diff
[root@localhost html]# chown -R apache plugins/
[root@localhost html]# chown -R apache log/
OK, now relaunch your site. Click ok through the intialization prompts. You may need to Disable your plugins and re-enable them for them to work properly...
Also be sure to check your user permissions (GUI) if you notice that some tabs are missing...
Issues I had w/ MacTrack, required me to goto the plugin, disable; uninstall; re-install, enable.
Now when I did this, I also lost my Mac-Track Device Database & here is the fix for that.
[root@localhost plugins]# cd plugins/mactrack
[root@localhost tmp]# wget
[root@localhost tmp]# mysql cacti < file.php\?id\=8485
[root@localhost tmp]# rm file.php\?id\=8485
How to manually force a run of mactrack
[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack
[root@localhost mactrack]# php poller_mactrack.php -d -f
Hopefully this helps, it took me a long time to figure out all these steps.