Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

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Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by marchl »

Inspired by this thread and this, I created the host template WLC-5508 with the release V0.8.7g.

1 - Download the KIT ""
2 - Copy cisco-wlc-wlanassoc.xml in the directory /<path-cacti>/resource/snmp_queries/
3 - Copy cisco_wlc_interfaces_assoc.xml, cisco_wlc_aps_assoc.xml in the directory /<path-cacti>/resource/script_queries/
4 - Copy the directory Cisco_WLC_Radios.xml /<path-cacti>/resource/script_server/
5 - Copy all the scripts .php in the directory /<path-cacti>/scripts/
6 - Import the host template cacti_host_template_cisco_wlc_ _5508.xml with the Cacti GUI

Here are some graphs
cacti good at all!
(77.23 KiB) Downloaded 5820 times
interf.png (11.79 KiB) Viewed 47475 times
cli-snr.png (6.13 KiB) Viewed 47475 times
util.png (5.96 KiB) Viewed 47475 times
assoc.png (5.52 KiB) Viewed 47475 times
Last edited by marchl on Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:29 am

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by marchl »

More pictures!
poli.png (7.13 KiB) Viewed 47474 times
eap.png (7.83 KiB) Viewed 47474 times
rogu-al.png (11.32 KiB) Viewed 47474 times
stat-snr.png (10.87 KiB) Viewed 47474 times
noise.png (19.5 KiB) Viewed 47474 times
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by dwayneherbrich »

I have installed everything. Everything worked except for this section:
Memory Total [update]
[success] Cisco WLC AP Power Level [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - WLAN Assoc [update]
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Method) Get SNMP Data (Indexed)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Version (1, 2, or 3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Type
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Password (v3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Username (v3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Community
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Port
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Output Type ID
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP IP Address
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Value
+ Unmet Dependency: (Data Input Field)
[success] Cisco WLC - Interface

Graphs are working except for Channel Utilization, Noise, Interference.......
Looks like the data template "Cisco WLC - WLAN Assoc" was not created.
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by marchl »

Try reinstalling it according to the initial instructions. I exported the 'host-template complete.
(636.03 KiB) Downloaded 3026 times
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by dwayneherbrich »

I reinstalled and used the new host template file. Same result:

Cacti has imported the following items:

[success] temperature-converter [update]
[success] Multiply by 1024 [update]
[success] Total All Data Sources [update]

[success] Exact Numbers [update]
[success] Normal [update]

Data Input Method
[success] Cisco WLC Station Authentication Algorithm [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station CCX [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station Cipher [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station EAP Type [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station Policy [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station Protocol [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Station Status [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Rogue Alerts [update]
[success] Get SNMP Data [update]
[success] Cisco WLC AP Power Level [update]
[success] Get SNMP Data (Indexed) [update]
[success] Get Script Data (Indexed) [update]
[success] Get Script Server Data (Indexed) [update]

Data Template
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Authentication Algorithm [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station CCX [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Cipher [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station EAP Type [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Policy [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Protocol [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Status [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Rogue Alerts [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 5 Minute Temp Current [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 5 Minute Temp Threshold [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 5 Minuti CPU [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 5 Minute Memory Free [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 5 Minute Memory Total [update]
[success] Cisco WLC AP Power Level [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - WLAN Assoc [update]
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Method) Get SNMP Data (Indexed)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Version (1, 2, or 3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Type
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Password (v3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Username (v3)
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Community
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Port
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Output Type ID
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP IP Address
+ Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Value
+ Unmet Dependency: (Data Input Field)
[success] Cisco WLC - Interface Assoc [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - AP Assoc [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Channel Utilization [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Clients [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Noise 2.4Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Noise 5Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Interference 2.4Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Interference 5Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Stations [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Multicast [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio TX Frames [update]

Graph Template
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Authentication Algorithm [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station CCX [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Cipher [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station EAP Type [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Policy [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Protocol [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Station Status [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Rogue Alerts [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 3 - Temperature [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 1 - CPU Usage [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - 2 -Memory Usage [update]
[success] Cisco WLC AP Power Levels [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - WLAN Assoc [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Interface Assoc [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - AP Assoc [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Channel Utilization [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Clients [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Noise 2.4Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Noise 5Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Interference 2.4Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Interference 5Ghz [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Stations [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio Multicast [update]
[success] Cisco WLC - Radio TX Frames [update]

Data Query
[success] Cisco WLC WLAN Assoc Query [update]
[success] Cisco WLC Interface Assoc Query [update]
[success] Cisco WLC AP Assoc Query [update]
[success] SNMP - Cisco WLC Radios [update]

Host Template
[success] Cisco WLC - 5508 [update]
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by shamsway »

WELL DONE SIR. This is fantastic work.

Any idea of compatibility with 4400s? I'm going to test on my own so I will post results if I get any.

Again, thanks for this.
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Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:23 am

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by Connie »

GREAT work, marchl!! This is exactly what I have been looking for. However...

I am getting the same error as dwayneherbrich: + Unmet Dependency: (Data Input Field). I basically upgraded my whole Cacti setup, but still have no luck getting it going... :(
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by born2frag »

I have the same problem.
I can only get following graphs:assocations, memory usage, temerature. Some of them are filled and some of them not.
Can anyone tell me where i should look to solve this issue?
There is a list of my graphs:

Here is some logs:
09/13/2011 01:24:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[125] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 9
09/13/2011 01:24:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[126] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 0
09/13/2011 01:24:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[127] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 5
09/13/2011 01:24:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[128] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:02 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] RECACHE: Processing 4 items in the auto reindex cache for ''
09/13/2011 01:25:02 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[115] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Rogue_Alerts.php 3, output: reta:0 retb:0 retc:0 retd:0 rete:0 retf:0 retg:0 reth:0 reti:0 retj:0 retk:0
09/13/2011 01:25:02 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[116] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_Algorithm.php 3, output: stationauthopen:0 stationauthsharedkey:0 stationauthunknown:0 stationopenandeap:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[117] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_CCX.php 3, output: stationccxunsupported:0 stationccxv1:0 stationccxv2:0 stationccxv3:0 stationccxv4:0 stationccxv5:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[118] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_Cipher.php 3, output: stationccmpaes:0 stationtkipmic:0 stationwep40:0 stationwep104:0 stationwep128:0 stationciphernone:0 stationciphernotavailable:0 stationcipherunknown:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[119] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_EAP_Type.php 3, output: stationeaptls:0 stationttls:0 stationpeap:0 stationleap:0 stationspeke:0 stationeapfast:0 stationeapnotavailable:0 stationeapunknown:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[120] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_Policy.php 3, output: stationpolicydot1x:0 stationpolicywpa1:0 stationpolicywpa2:0 stationpolicywpav2vff:0 stationpolicynotavailable:0 stationpolicyunknown:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[121] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_Protocol.php 3, output: stationdot11a:0 stationdot11b:0 stationdot11g:0 stationdot11n24:0 stationdot11n5:0 stationunknownprotocol:0 stationmobile:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[122] SCRIPT: php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Station_Status.php 3, output: stationidle:0 stationpending:0 stationauthenticated:0 stationassociated:0 stationpowersave:0 stationdisassociated:0 stationtobedeleted:0 stationprobing:0 stationblacklisted:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[123] SCRIPT: /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Power_Level.php , output: 8:0 7:0 6:0 5:0 4:0 3:0 2:0 1:0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15774] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[129] SS[0] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15777] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[130] SS[1] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:03 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15779] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[131] SS[2] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15781] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[132] SS[3] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15783] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[133] SS[4] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15785] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[134] SS[5] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15787] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[135] SS[6] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PID[15789] CTR[0] INC: 'Cisco_WLC_Radios.php' FUNC: 'ss_host_radios' PARMS: ' 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization'
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[136] SS[7] SERVER: /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization, output: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[110] SNMP: v3:, dsname: wlc_5min_cpu, oid: ., value: 0
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[111] SNMP: v3:, dsname: wlc_memfree, oid: ., value: 571784
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[112] SNMP: v3:, dsname: wlc_memtotal, oid: ., value: 1004708
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[113] SNMP: v3:, dsname: ciscowlc_tempcur, oid: ., value: 35
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[114] SNMP: v3:, dsname: ciscowlc_tempthr, oid: ., value: 65
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[124] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 1
09/13/2011 01:25:04 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[13] TH[1] DS[125] SNMP: v3:, dsname: cisco_wlc_wlanassoc, oid: ., value: 9
I've tried to lunch
[root@kkk] php /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php ss_host_radios 13 3:161:500:1:25::cactiuser:cacti5r4e#RCa471:MD5:cactiusergb5cqb1:DES: get utilization
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php on line 29
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php on line 30
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php on line 31
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php on line 32
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /var/www/cacti/scripts/Cisco_WLC_Radios.php on line 50
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Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:59 am

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by born2frag »

switching to snmpv2 solved a problem,
but i still don't have Radio Channel Utilization
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:02 pm

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by minmei »

Awesome. Many thanks.

Did have to change some of the Data Input Method : Input Strings : to use <path_php_binary> instead of just "php".

But excellent scripts. Now to mod the scripts to use on other snmp tables...

Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:02 pm

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by minmei »

Also had to fix a typo in Cisco_WLC_Station_Protocol.php where the stationdot11n24 was set for index 7 instead of index 6.

Still thrilled about the new graphs.

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Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:41 am

Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by perwoo »

Hi guys,

I just have a question, is there any way to get a graph showing how much traffic that passes through a vlan in a WLC?
I've tried to use some different templates but can't get it to work.

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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by jwp2987 »

Any ideas on this?

Data Query [SNMP - Cisco WLC Radios]

This data query returned 0 rows, perhaps there was a problem executing this data query. You can run this data query in debug mode to get more information.

Data Query Debug Information

+ Running data query [10].
+ Found type = '6' [Script Query - Script Server].
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/cacti/resource/script_server/Cisco_WLC_Radios.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Invalid field <index_order>bsnAPRadioParrentName:bsnAPRadioIndex</index_order>
+ Must contain <direction>input</direction> fields only

Please note that I did have the same problem as posted before with the unmet dependency, everything else looks good so far.
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by noname »

Code: Select all

[success] Cisco WLC - WLAN Assoc [new]
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Method) Get SNMP Data (Indexed)
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Version (1, 2, or 3)
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Type
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Password (v3)
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Username (v3)
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Community
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP Port
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Output Type ID
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) SNMP IP Address
   + Found Dependency: (Data Input Field) Index Value
   + Unmet Dependency: (Data Input Field) 
"Unmet Dependency" issue occurs due to including unknown field whose hash code was not associated with any item in the XML.
In this case, there is no definition for "hash_070021db2d33d5f1b3919131ecdd88ca082fbd" in data template part.

Here is a revised host template I tried removing unnecessary fields.
(59.91 KiB) Downloaded 2852 times
Import results:

Don't forget to place queries & scripts from original post.
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Re: Graphing Cisco wlc 5508 wireless controllers

Post by spiffturk »

I've managed to get the interference/utilization/etc to work. After looking at a packet trace as Cacti was polling, I saw that it was trying to pull the wrong OID. E.g., it was attempting to pull

But the value is actually at

So it looked like it was missing a dot somewhere in crafting the OID to pull. I opened up <patch>/cacti/site/scripts/CiscoWLC_Radios.php and modified lines 172 and 188:
$arr[$i] = cacti_snmp_get($hostname, $snmp_community, $oids[$arg] . preg_replace("/(.[0-9]{1,3})$/", "", $arr_index[$i]), $snmp_version, $snmp_auth_username, $snmp_auth_password, $snmp_auth_protocol,$snmp_priv_passphrase,$snmp_priv_protocol, $snmp_context, $snmp_port, $snmp_timeout, $ping_retries, SNMP_POLLER);
return cacti_snmp_get($hostname, $snmp_community, $oids[$arg] . "$index" . "$post", $snmp_version, $snmp_auth_username, $snmp_auth_password, $snmp_auth_protocol,$snmp_priv_passphrase,$snmp_priv_protocol, $snmp_context, $snmp_port, $snmp_timeout, $ping_retries, SNMP_POLLER);
And added dots just after $oids[$arg] on both (modified areas are bolded--hopefully that makes it easier to see):
$arr[$i] = cacti_snmp_get($hostname, $snmp_community, $oids[$arg] . "." . preg_replace("/(.[0-9]{1,3})$/", "", $arr_index[$i]), $snmp_version, $snmp_auth_username, $snmp_auth_password, $snmp_auth_protocol,$snmp_priv_passphrase,$snmp_priv_protocol, $snmp_context, $snmp_port, $snmp_timeout, $ping_retries, SNMP_POLLER);
return cacti_snmp_get($hostname, $snmp_community, $oids[$arg] . ".$index" . "$post", $snmp_version, $snmp_auth_username, $snmp_auth_password, $snmp_auth_protocol,$snmp_priv_passphrase,$snmp_priv_protocol, $snmp_context, $snmp_port, $snmp_timeout, $ping_retries, SNMP_POLLER);
And what I find strange is that just above these lines, there's a comment the looks like the lines were modified to *remove* the dots. I don't know what the reason for that was, but it seems that's what was causing the issue for me. Adding the dots back, and it seems to work dandily.

Thanks for all the hard work, marchl!
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