network map

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Post by fanu »

Hi everybody,

I'm actually in Martinique (French Carribean Island) for my work, so I can't really post often in this forum.

I have worked a little on the module, now the colors of the arrows are ok (see the attachement).

I'm coming back to France next week, so I will work very hard to release the first beta next week.

Some people send me PMs, they will be informed first when the beta will be released.

Thanks a lot for,

New screenshot
New screenshot
test_map_2.png (74.78 KiB) Viewed 21499 times
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Post by TPC »

How is the beta coming along ? :D
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Post by TheWitness »

Strasbourg is a very nice place. Hope to visit there again on work some day.

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I can help test

Post by mikedrons »

Are you still looking for testing? I would be interested in testing. My network is much larger. Over 300 devices.


Post by Guest »


I have been very silent these days, I'm sorry but I have a lot of work.
I am working now to release a first beta for everybody.

I will post tomorrow to give you informations about it.




Post by Psy »

Does someone know with which netwaok management application the following output was generated: ?? It looks very interesting for me.

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Post by stelaras1 »


That sounds very intersting project..

keep up the good work and thanx foy your time :)
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Post by dev2dev »

great job
eagerly waiting for the release
Why me lord?
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Post by Morgan »

i'm up to test this when ur ready fabu

Post by Guest »

great work, fadu!.. i would like to test it too..
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Post by joselo »

the last message was mine..... sorry... forgot to login
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Cacti2weathermap script

Post by rama »

Hi all,

just finished a small script to create weatermap html complient files from .rrd files used by cacti. The idea was to have a script that doesn't need to patch cacti nor weathermap.
I'm not a PERL guru so programming may seems dirty, but it does the work., just extract cuin an cuout from the rrd files and put these two line in an html as weatermap needs only these informations to work.
Change the directory informations to match your paths, run
it should create html files same name than the cacti .rrd files with wea_ prefix.

Code: Select all

############## wea_my_router.html
<!-- cuin d 148810 -->
<!-- cuout d 106436 -->

Tell weathermap to use these html file, and here you go :)

The script:

Code: Select all

############# ###########

use RRDs;

#Path to rrd files
$my_dir = "/var/www/cacti/rra/";

#Path to store weathermap compatible files
$my_htmldir = "/var/www/cacti/graphs/";

opendir RRDDIR, $my_dir or die "Impossible to open file: $!";
@rrd_files = grep /rrd/, readdir RRDDIR;

foreach my $router (@rrd_files){
        #Get the last cuin/cuout values
        my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch $my_dir.$router,"AVERAGE","--start","now";
        foreach my $line (@$data) {
            if(@$line[0] != null) {
                (my $name, my $ext)  = split /rrd/,$router;
                $weatherfile = $my_htmldir."weatherm/wea_".$name."html";
                #Open special html weathermap file
                open OUT,">$weatherfile" or die "bad luck: $!";
                print OUT "<html>\n<body>\n$router\n";
                $nice = sprintf "<!-- cuin d %d -->\n<!-- cuout d %d -->\n", @$line[0], @$line[1];
                print OUT $nice;
                print OUT "</body>\n</html>";
                close OUT;
DAvid Ramahefason
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Post by Morgan »

all if you modify your paths, either create the weatherm directory in your graphs path:

$weatherfile = $my_htmldir."weatherm/wea_".$name."html";
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Post by Morgan »

ok, so i got the script rama posted to work, that's good.
then i had to fiddle with dependencies, libraries etc to get wethermap to run.

now it runs, except it generates broken png files.

i hate this shit... any1 got it to work properly on RH9 ?
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Post by Howie »

I've been playing with weathermap and rama's script for the last couple of days, and I have a modified version of weathermap that automatically generates the imagemap and DHTML stuff necessary to make a map like the GRNET demo on weathermap's page (

Now I just need to work out a nice way to figure out the graph links automatically, and the whole thing will be pretty painless.
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