Supppresion window

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Supppresion window

Post by bkejser »


One of my monitored hosts run a process during off hours that rails the CPU for roughly 30 minutes at the same time every day. Is it possible to configure cacti to not send notification for this specific host and data template during this period?

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Re: Supppresion window

Post by BSOD2600 »

Cacti does not send notifications, the thold plugin does. As such, this is a thold specific question and the post is getting moved the appropriate forum.
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Re: Supppresion window

Post by noname »

This is a definitely dirty workaround, and not tested at all.. :P

In 'plugins/thold/thold_functions.php', try to modify thold_check_threshold() function.

Original (0.4.4-43):

Code: Select all

function thold_check_threshold ($rra_id, $data_id, $name, $currentval, $cdef) {
	$alert_exempt = read_config_option('alert_exempt');
	/* check for exemptions */
	$weekday = date('l');
	if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $alert_exempt == 'on') {

	/* Get all the info about the item from the database */
	$item = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT * FROM thold_data WHERE thold_enabled = 'on' AND data_id = " . $data_id);

	/* Return if the item doesn't exist, which means its disabled */
	if (!isset($item[0]))
	$item = $item[0];

	/* Check for the weekend exemption on the threshold level */
	if (($weekday == 'Saturday' || $weekday == 'Sunday') && $item['exempt'] == 'on') {
Modify the latter part ("Check for the weekend exemption...") as follows:

Code: Select all

	/* Check for the particular exemption on the threshold level */
	$exempt_period = date('G') * 100 + date('i');  // "hhmm"
	if (($exempt_period >= 1200 && $exempt_period <= 1300) && $item['exempt'] == 'on') {
This will exclude threshold check at lunch time. :)

And then, enable "Weekend Exemption" on particular threshold settings you want. (Don't change "Default Alerting Options" in Settings)

Of course, only 1 set of exemption can be specified.
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Re: Supppresion window

Post by TheWitness »

Dirty hack for sure. We need to do this a bit more elegantly, like Jimmy's new Maintenance plugin.

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