Netbotz 550

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Netbotz 550

Post by surferboy »

Hello Guys

Could you perhaps assist me with getting Cacti to graph environmental data from our Netbotz 550 appliance that we have installed in our Data Centre. I have added the host template that I got from this thread ( I used the template that was posted by guanno (the last entry). The first template gave some "errors" about not been able to parse the XML.

The issue I have now is that it's not displaying any data. The graphs just show "-nan". The poller script has been cron'd to run every five minutes.

I did read somewhere about having to add the correct SNMP OID to Cacti or the template. I can't find anything relating to environmental information from SNMPWalk and if I were to get the correct OID I don't know how to add it to Cacti or the template.

Would you guys to be kind as to help me with this?

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Re: Netbotz 550

Post by gandalf »

Please see the documentation tab at top of this screen and follow the HowTos to create custom templates
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