Change alert emails subject.

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Change alert emails subject.

Post by Jacket »

Is there any way to change the subject of the alert emails. I want to have the meaningful name of the thold template, not the data source there. For instance i have this now:
Hostname -PIN2 [pin2] restored to normal threshold with value 25.9494

I have set a meaningful name for this template to Temperature and i want to have this in the subject:

Hostname - Temperature restored to normal threshold with value 25.9494

Is this possible?
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Post by cigamit »

Its in the works for the next major release, but not currently possible.
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Post by crkinard »

Kind of on the same topic: It would be nice to have the option of flagging a e-mail as 'important' as well.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by praxis »

I've given up waiting for this to be added as a feature, so I simply edited thold_mail() in thold_functions.php

In my case, we would like threadable alerts per host, so I simply regex out the unique data, i.e. $subject =~ s/threshold.*$/threshold/;


Edit: took me 30 seconds to figure out I wasnt editing Perl...ended up with this instead of the above example

$subject = preg_replace('/threshold.*$/','threshold',$subject);
$subject = preg_replace('\[.*?\]/','',$subject);

Since I use <SUBJECT> in the message, I can safely trim out unwanted data in the thold_mail function
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by willieb »

I have and love thold 0.4.4-43...

I searched but didn't find anything that would work for me yet. I don't program or understand much code but am looking for a way to change the subject for normal threshold alerts (not down alerts):

Instead of:

[hostname] - [graph template]

something more like:


Thanks in advance...
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by noname »

willieb wrote: Instead of:

[hostname] - [graph template]

something more like:

As like this post, try to modify 'plugins/thold/thold_functions.php'.
(I'm using thold-0.4.4-41)

At line 561, 592, 631, 649, 694, 622:
$subject = $desc . ($thold_show_datasource ? " [$name]" : '') . ...
$subject = $graph_title . ...
And at line about 503:
$hostname = ...
$graph_title = db_fetch_cell('SELECT title_cache FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ' . $item['graph_id']);
$rows = ...
Of course this is a provisional way.. At your own risk.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by willieb »

Once again, thanks noname. It worked perfectly!

Geez I may have to add you to my Christmas list this year lol...

Would it be just as easy to do the same thing for the threshold list itself? Currently my list of thresholds show something like:

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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by noname »

Perhaps default threshold name when created newly can be modified like this..

In 'plugins/thold/thold.php':
'name' => array(
'friendly_name' => 'Threshold Name',
'method' => 'textbox',
'max_length' => 100,
'default' => db_fetch_cell('SELECT title_cache FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ' . $graph),
'description' => 'Provide the THold a meaningful name',
'value' => isset($thold_item_data['name']) ? $thold_item_data['name'] : ''
For existing thresholds, you can modify its name by hand.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by willieb »

Thank you.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by willieb »

noname wrote:Perhaps default threshold name when created newly can be modified like this..

In 'plugins/thold/thold.php':
'name' => array(
'friendly_name' => 'Threshold Name',
'method' => 'textbox',
'max_length' => 100,
'default' => db_fetch_cell('SELECT title_cache FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ' . $graph),
'description' => 'Provide the THold a meaningful name',
'value' => isset($thold_item_data['name']) ? $thold_item_data['name'] : ''
Edit: After more experimentation, your code does work when I create the threshold without a template, but when I use the template I still get

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for each threshold instead of the graph title.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by noname »

willieb wrote: Edit: After more experimentation, your code does work when I create the threshold without a template, but when I use the template I still get

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for each threshold instead of the graph title.
Okay, then try to modify as follows..

In 'plugins/thold/setup.php':
function thold_data_source_action_execute($action) {
if ($graph) {
# $insert['name'] = $desc . ' [' . $data_source_name . ']';
$insert['name'] = db_fetch_cell('SELECT title_cache FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ' . $graph);
function thold_graphs_action_execute($action) {
if ($graph) {
# $insert['name'] = $desc . ' [' . $data_source_name . ']';
$insert['name'] = db_fetch_cell('SELECT title_cache FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ' . $graph);
I tested this on thold-0.4.4-41. Also 'setup.php' in thold-0.4.4-43 is not different from this version.
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by noname »


If you had this error "Threshold(s) Already Exist - No Thresholds Created" when using "Create Threshold from Template",

try commenting out the below line in the above functions.

Code: Select all

$insert['bl_ref_time'] = $template['bl_ref_time'];
(Since 0.4.4-??, that field won't exist in "thold_data" table)
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Re: Change alert emails subject.

Post by willieb »

You know, sometimes I think I need to study php lol...

Ok here's what I did. I kind of went in a different direction. I went back and created a few "traffic" related tholds and realized that it uses the data source name for the thold name, so I went back to the Arris template I was working with and changed the suggestive names in the query to the same as the graph title. When I re-created the graphs it worked great!

With all the problems I've had with 1 minute polling I decided to scrap it and start with a clean install with the default 5 minute polling.

After the fresh Cacti install, I reinstalled thold 0.4.4-43 and everything worked great except for the create thresholds from template, was indeed giving me "Threshold(s) Already Exist - No Thresholds Created"!!

So I just commented out the 2 lines as you suggested in setup.php and everything now works great!

Thanks again noname, I appreciate all your time and effort to help a fellow Cacti user... :-)
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