Domains Plugin Problem

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Domains Plugin Problem

Post by cabana281 »


I am having some troubles with the Domains plugin. I am using it to authenticate users against different group on the same AD Domain (AD2003)

It works with the regular ldap config, but since I need different groups I am forced to use the domain plugin.

"Invalid User Name/Password Please Retype" This is the error msg I receive as soon as I enable the AD Login/Password with the "Multiple LDAP/AD Domains" option in the authentification Method. Otherwise it works perfectly with the default Ldap Authentification
Here's the Domain Config
Here's the Domain Config
domains1.JPG (67.47 KiB) Viewed 667 times
Here's the Domain Config
Domain Config 2
Domain Config 2
domains2.JPG (202.26 KiB) Viewed 667 times
Here's the config of one of the domain.

The others are the same except for the Name, User Template and the Group Distingished Name (DN) below.
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