Windows All-In-One Installer [Cacti 1.2.24] [Updated 2023-03-09]

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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

pogz: your image doesnt load. anyways as this is not an issue with the installer, please read and then create a new post with your findings.
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Post by Giannis47 »

I install this program but when i get to the page of the index
appears as notepad and does not open. i think is a problem of the php because does not appear as it should.
when i open the Cacti Post-Install it says about the Verify IIS Configuration but when i do it it does not allow me to insert the php path (Can not push OK).

What seems to be the problem?? What shall i do for this ?
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by nomanlan »

I love the Window installer, I think it helps spreading Cacti like wild fire in the last year or two, even some managers in my company secretly has a copy under their desk. I ran into this persistent problem on a machine that previously had Cacti 8.7d installed. Here is the error I found in the Cacti_install.log

Output folder: C:\DOCUME~1\derek\LOCALS~1\Temp\nswC.tmp
Launching MySQL x86 5.1.50 Installer...
Extract: mysql.msi... 100%
Execute: msiexec /i "C:\DOCUME~1\derek\LOCALS~1\Temp\nswC.tmp\mysql.msi" /qn USERNAME="Valued Cacti Customer"
MySQL installer exited with: 0
Configuring MySQL...
Stopping MySQL...
The MySQL service is stopping.
The MySQL service was stopped successfully.
MySQL Started
Installing Cacti DB
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\\bin\mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The Cacti login page won't even come up after the install.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by nhutminh008 »

Hi all and moderator,
I am running cacti (previous version). I want to install this package. I just concern about the data and graph. How can I import/restore current database perfactly after completing the installation? My server is running Windows server 2008 R2.

Thanks verymuch!
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by heathz »

will this work on windows 2008 server?
will this work without restarting the server? (there's a lot of aplications running on this blade...)

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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

Probably... but why do you want to use the installer when you already have an cacti installation? If you're trying to upgrade, then follow the upgrade instructions instead.

Cacti itself doesnt require a reboot, but the other applications/services it depends on might. Also typically a reboot is required so all the new system variables/paths/etc take affect for all user accounts. Yes, it works on all modern versions of windows.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by heathz »

my graphs are not populated even the cacti detecting the device with the stats UP and giving me all information about it... and the graph is only a ping average graph...

ps1.: i dont think that is a snmp problem 'cause i use The Dude to monitor the same device but The Dude do not make numeric reports so i'm trying to use Cacti for this... at Devices tab the Cacti gives me Current (ms) Average (ms) Availability correctly...

ps2.: i've already restarted the server... any ideas?

ps3.: turning the debug mode on:

Code: Select all

RRDTool Command:
C:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="Estância - Ping Latency" \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="milliseconds" \
--slope-mode \
--font TITLE:12: \
--font AXIS:8: \
--font LEGEND:10: \
--font UNIT:8: \
DEF:a="C\:/inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/rra/5/13.rrd":ping:AVERAGE \
AREA:a#FFF200FF:"Ping Latency"  \
GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf %s"  \
GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf %s"  \
GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n" 
RRDTool Says:
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

heathz: time to start a separate thread, as your problem is not installer related.

Follow to dig through the cacti log file to find out why that script isn't apparently returning data.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by heathz »

can I use the apache 2.2 if the IIS is running on the same system?
i have a few applications running under iis but i'd like to use Apache to the cacti and when i tried to install it saids that will stop and disable the iis for the apache to be running on port 80...
can i change the port?
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

heathz: time to start a separate thread, as your problem is not installer related.

yes, the port can be changed. read the IIS / apache manuals or google it.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by ShoMi »

There some problem with spine.
Cacti monitoring almost 100 devices. (Using CI 1.95. Thanks BSOD:)) WHile i switching on spine - cacti stop draw lines in graph.Cacti log is empty for any errors or warnings. For solve this problem i try to replace RRD & Spine to same folders i change paths to them in Console->Paths.
In spine.conf file i change:
DB_Host (localhost by default)
DB_Database cacti
DB_User cactiuser
DB_Pass cactipw (cactiuser by default)
DB_Port 3306
DB_Preg 0

Using plugins: Monitor, clog, spikekill


PS: Sorry for my English.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by gemini6 »

I tried to perform a fresh installation on a xp machine with the latest version. I did this several months ago without any issue. However I encountered error message "Error opening file for writing: \cacti\LICENSE" at the beginning of the installation. I skipped this message but all files afterwards got this same error message. Already tried on several other machines but still the same. Any hint?
The error message is "Can't write: \cacti\LICENSE". I thought it was the path. However I have no way to make it as c:\cacti\LICENSE

I guess this should be a windows issue and already tried to install it with administrator privilege. But still to no avail.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

gemini6: Something is denying the installer the ability to read the license file (extracted to a temp location on startup of the installer) and extracting the files to the destination cacti folder.

Sure you're an administrator? Simple check would be opening system control panel and see if you could change the computer name (dont actually do it though).
What antivirus, firewall, antimalware, etc are you running? Did you disable them before running the installer?
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by gemini6 »

BSOD2600 wrote:gemini6: Something is denying the installer the ability to read the license file (extracted to a temp location on startup of the installer) and extracting the files to the destination cacti folder.

Sure you're an administrator? Simple check would be opening system control panel and see if you could change the computer name (dont actually do it though).
What antivirus, firewall, antimalware, etc are you running? Did you disable them before running the installer?
Yes I am the administrator. I was trying to install it on my home PC.
I even tried installing it on a fresh installed XP Pro SP3 guest machine on vmware. And it still failed with same error message! There is no antivirus or any other software on it.
Do you mind help install it on any windows machine to test? Many thanks.
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Re: Windows Installer [v1.95 - 2010-09-23]

Post by BSOD2600 »

Odd, since I actually just used it last week on windows 2008 r2 sp1 and it worked flawlessly.

Does the MD5 of your download match the post? Maybe try redownloading the installer.
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