No plugins found in Plugin management

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No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by ringoseagull »

I've upgraded to Cacti Version: 0.8.7g, Plugin Architecture Version: 2.8. I've added my old plugins (Superlinks & Weathermaps) to the new config.php and they show up nicely in the Cacti GUI. I get the Plugin Management link in Configuration and have given myself realm rights in User Management.

I've just unzipped aggregate v 0.75 into the plugins directory but it fails to show up on the Plugin Management page. I get the message 'No plugins found'.

I've tried changing ownership of the file to the cacti user, tried making the plugins and aggregate directory permissions 777. I even tried adding aggregate into config.php on the off chance that would work, but it didn't.

No aggregate check boxes appearing in the user management permissions page either.

Any suggestions as to what to try next?
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by klaubert »

I spend 2 (long) days working on this issue on my cacti. Reading all forums, googling etc...

After a lot of debug, I found the problem, it was the cactiuser permission on MySql, it need to had the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES", and that user (for more that 5 years) don't need that permission.
Check it, can be your problem too.

Best regards,

Klaubert Herr
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by ringoseagull »

Thanks for your suggestion Klaubert, I've just tried that but unfortunately it has not resolved the issue.

I've just dropped another plugin (realtime) into the plugins directory and I still get 'No plugins found' in the Plugin Management window, which at least confirms this as a PIA issue rather than the plugin itself.

BTW I patched Cacti and the Plugin Architecture with the pre-patched files, and then repeated it when I had issues with:

patch -p1 -N < cacti-plugin-arch.diff

The second time it only made changes to config.php, which I think just indicated that I'd made a change to the file. I have also ensured the pa.sql file from the cacti-plugin-arch directory has been imported into the mysql database.

Any other suggestions? Other permissions to check I haven't thought of? Methods for debugging Plugin Architecture?
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by ringoseagull »

Wondering if this is a php issue. Anyone else running on PHP Version 5.2.12 on RHEL5?

The weatherman plugin comes with a php check script which can be run from both the command line and a browser. No errors reported from either of those checks.
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by pricklypear »

maybe someone can assist here. this is what i have done so far.

installed the pia architecture (Plugin Management (Cacti Version: 0.8.7g, Plugin Architecture Version: 2.8)) and then sourced the pa.sql file into the cacti database. changed permissions on the plugins folder recursive to 755 and ownership to the apache daemon. clicked to user administration and checked the plugin management box for the admin user. then copied the thold plugin folder into the plugins directory and changed permissions 755 recursive and chown to apache daemon recursive. however, when i click on the plugin management, it says no plugins found.

any ideas or suggestions?

never mind, i figured it out in the most bizarre way, i commented out the thold plugin in the config.php file and now all of a sudden it shows up in plugin management window. weird
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by dieselboy »

I'm having issues too. Plugin arch 2.8 did not work for me, so I restored an earlier snapshot of my server (Centos 5.6) and installed 2.9. Same issue.

Here are my details

Code: Select all

Centos 5.6
Cacti Version 0.8.7g 
Cacti OS unix 
SNMP Version NET-SNMP version:  
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.x  

PHP Information 
PHP Version 5.3.6 
PHP OS Linux 
PHP uname Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.18-238.12.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue May 31 13:22:04 EDT 2011 x86_64 
PHP SNMP Installed 
The user cactiuser has ALL MySQL permissions. I also tried using Cacti with root and there was no change. As far as I know I've done everything correct. I've followed the instructions to the letter.
I've enabled the 2.9 arch, but either simply dropping in plugins like realtime, and or updating the config.php (which you're not supposed to do any longer) has no change :/
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by dieselboy »

Okay, bit of a strange one. May be the method in which I was downloading and uncompressing was causing the issue.
The method was, wget the plugin which saved it as plugin:name.tgz. Because the filename was plugin: I couldn't extract the file using tar -xzf so first I renamed it to remove the plugin:. Then I used the tar -xzf name.tgz to extract and move the folder to the cacti plugins directory.

The way in which I got this working was to use Webmin. I downloaded the plugin using Windows to my desktop, then uploaded to my server using Webmin and also used the "extract and delete" option to extract the tgz file and delete the tgz file afterwards. Now, when I visit my plugin management within cacti they are showing up.

What is wrong with my first method?
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by noname »

dieselboy wrote:wget the plugin which saved it as plugin:name.tgz. Because the filename was plugin: I couldn't extract the file using tar -xzf so first I renamed it to remove the plugin:. Then I used the tar -xzf name.tgz to extract and move the folder to the cacti plugins directory.
FYI: use -O option.
% wget '' -O name.tgz
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by dieselboy »

Thanks for the tip! I'm learning Linux and this is my first real attempt at a ground-up installation. I should have used "man wget" may be :)
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by rafaelcaracara »

ringoseagull wrote:I've upgraded to Cacti Version: 0.8.7g, Plugin Architecture Version: 2.8. I've added my old plugins (Superlinks & Weathermaps) to the new config.php and they show up nicely in the Cacti GUI. I get the Plugin Management link in Configuration and have given myself realm rights in User Management.

I've just unzipped aggregate v 0.75 into the plugins directory but it fails to show up on the Plugin Management page. I get the message 'No plugins found'.

I've tried changing ownership of the file to the cacti user, tried making the plugins and aggregate directory permissions 777. I even tried adding aggregate into config.php on the off chance that would work, but it didn't.

No aggregate check boxes appearing in the user management permissions page either.

Any suggestions as to what to try next?
Help!!! :)
I have same problem. How fix?
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Re: No plugins found in Plugin management

Post by dieselboy »

How about do some research!!
Instead of looking for an easy ride.
rafaelcaracara wrote:
ringoseagull wrote:I've upgraded to Cacti Version: 0.8.7g, Plugin Architecture Version: 2.8. I've added my old plugins (Superlinks & Weathermaps) to the new config.php and they show up nicely in the Cacti GUI. I get the Plugin Management link in Configuration and have given myself realm rights in User Management.

I've just unzipped aggregate v 0.75 into the plugins directory but it fails to show up on the Plugin Management page. I get the message 'No plugins found'.

I've tried changing ownership of the file to the cacti user, tried making the plugins and aggregate directory permissions 777. I even tried adding aggregate into config.php on the off chance that would work, but it didn't.

No aggregate check boxes appearing in the user management permissions page either.

Any suggestions as to what to try next?
Help!!! :)
I have same problem. How fix?
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