Monitoring submaps showing state coloured label

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Monitoring submaps showing state coloured label

Post by chern »


the idea is to show in a coloured label, that link to a submap, the state of ALL the elements in this submap: if all devices are OK, the label color must be green, but if one or more devices for this submap are not OK, the label must be red.

In this case imagine a few regions, in the main map every region has a label that link to region map. It's easy to see if there are any problem in every region regarding label colurs. If any is red, simply click on it and a region map will be showed with all devices, and then detect what's wrong. If all label are green, nothing to do. Simply...........

I would like to know how can I operate all device status of submap and pass this information to label color. I ask Howie a few monts ago for this issue but till the moment I don't know what's the way to do this. Seeing solutions in other posts ( it's possible to multiply in TARGET line, so I will tried TARGET cactihost:xxx*cactihost:xxx in order to use apropiate USESCALE, but doesn't work.

Any help would be appreciate...............

Thanks in advance

This is the Main map, and you can see La Palma label, for example. In this case is just a link to la Palma submap. The yellow label must be grenn if all devices monitored in la Palma submap are OK.
This is the Main map, and you can see La Palma label, for example. In this case is just a link to la Palma submap. The yellow label must be grenn if all devices monitored in la Palma submap are OK.
WeatherMap-Test General.JPG (56.62 KiB) Viewed 1267 times
Submap that has 10 devices monitored
Submap that has 10 devices monitored
WeatherMap-Test La Palma.JPG (76.81 KiB) Viewed 1267 times
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Re: Monitoring submaps showing state coloured label

Post by Howie »

Weathermap 0.98 will help...

In 0.98, there is a facility to dump all the values from a map to a text file, and new data source plugin that can read those values back. What that means is you can read the value of a node from one map in another map. I intend to add average, min and max as special values too. So you have a file like:

Code: Select all

# less 7df91b337091487c6801.results.txt
L_node1-node2   10000000.000000 20000000.000000
(for a link called "node1-node2")

and a target like wmdata:output/fae87410be8fd30c129a.results.txt:L_node1-node2
(the results files are created in the output directory, like the images)

Weathermap doesn't know anything about up or down. All it does it take a number and turn it into a colour. However, if you know that there are 30 nodes on a map, and their normal state is number 3, then you can check that the total is 90, or that the average is *exactly* 3.

The small problem would be that it only works one way - the 'master' map needs to be the last map, otherwise it will get old data (the maps that haven't been recalculated yet).

It also assumes that there are no links on the same map. I did think about some way to have subtotals too, but that would mean defining groups of items somehow. That could be a simple SET for each item.

As you can tell, it's not a complete feature yet :-) but I'd appreciate any feedback...
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Re: Monitoring submaps showing state coloured label

Post by chern »

Many thanks Howie,

I hope the new version will have any solution for this. The idea seem to be really useful when there are a lot of devices monitored. The solution you explain, (average exactly) is ok for this purpose. Perhaps the use of boolean operands in TARGET command could help in some functions (I don't know if this it's possible now!!!!)

I don't understand why you tell "It also assumes that there are no links on the same map"...............

I will wait for 0.98 version to see new features included.

Thanks again

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