Feature Request : Alert Counter for Reporting

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Feature Request : Alert Counter for Reporting

Post by enrique.belo »

Hi, I just want to request a feature for thold. I am thinking of a counter that counts the number of times an alert has been issued on a specific item.
This aims to check which item has the most number of threshold breaches. So we can prioritize which links must be upgraded first at least for bandwith utilization problems.
Reports can also be created to display for example top 50 items with highest alert counts. Clearing of counters should also be available for some cases.
If I am right, this will just take 1 column on thold database, and some script to get and display the current number of counts with respect to thold ID.

I'll start editing mine maybe next week as I am currently full with workloads.

I am sure this would be a piece of cake for you guys, so if you can do it, please share it. :wink:
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Re: Feature Request : Alert Counter for Reporting

Post by pommepomme »

enrique.belo wrote: Reports can also be created to display for example top 50 items with highest alert counts. Clearing of counters should also be available for some cases.
Hello enrique,
My need is quite the same,
I have the thold plugin working fine, but I want to create monthly reports with the Top N items that encounters its threshold for example. In my case, my threshold are based on the bandwidth utilization of my mpls remote sites.

Do you know a tool/plugin like that?

Best regards,
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Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:38 am

Re: Feature Request : Alert Counter for Reporting

Post by gengsl »

Hi Guys,

I have the samilar requirement as yours. I want to availability rate monthly in host status tab. So, I need to let all data in host status can reset one times on every head of month. If you got any idea or methold, hope you can share it out :wink:

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