I have snmptt installed and configured to forward traps to mysql database.
When I do a cold restarted of an agent configured to forward traps to my cacti server... i am successfully able to see the traps in the mysql database.
My problem is that i am a little confused by the installation notes...I started with an earlier version of CAMM 1.54 i believe... which had some .sql files in the sql directory of the plugin folder...
These two sql files created two tables... snmptt_traps and snmptt_unknown... which are in fact the tables that I configued snmptt to forward the traps to... and the same tables that when i query the database manually... i am able to see my traps in....
Code: Select all
[root@cacti sql]# cat plugin_camm_traps.sql
CREATE TABLE snmptt_traps (
eventname VARCHAR(50),
eventid VARCHAR(50),
trapoid VARCHAR(100),
enterprise VARCHAR(100),
community VARCHAR(20),
hostname VARCHAR(100),
agentip VARCHAR(16),
category VARCHAR(20),
severity VARCHAR(20),
uptime VARCHAR(20),
traptime DATETIME,
formatline VARCHAR(255));
[root@cacti sql]# cat plugin_camm_traps_unknown.sql
CREATE TABLE snmptt_unknown (
trapoid VARCHAR(100),
enterprise VARCHAR(100),
community VARCHAR(20),
hostname VARCHAR(100),
agentip VARCHAR(16),
uptime VARCHAR(20),
traptime DATETIME,
formatline VARCHAR(255));
when i go to the console -> configuration -> settings -> camm tab... the only relative settings that i see are the "What tables process" drop down under the "CaMM SNMPTT Settings" heading....
This drop down currently has the following selections...
1. plugin_camm_traps
2. plugin_camm_unknown
3. both
It is currently set to both... but considering that i do not have either of these tables created...I suspect that this is where it is broken...
Has anyone else encountered this problem?