Weird SNMP bug

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Weird SNMP bug

Post by ABX »

Cacti 0.8.7g on Ubuntu. (~150 devices).

I have some strange bugs pulling SNMP info from 3 Windows boxes. Since the last windows update I get SNMP timeouts.

Spine reports a SNMP timeout, confirmed by using snmpwalk from both Win and nix servers. The weird thing is, I'll get snmp timeout until I do a verbose query from cacti, then everything is fine until the next spine pool, when again this 3 win boxes will get into snmp timeout.

Anyone got any idea?
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Re: Weird SNMP bug

Post by BSOD2600 »

What firewall/AV you running on the boxes? Possibly its blocking traffic due to some sort of protection method.
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Re: Weird SNMP bug

Post by ABX »

Out of the question, 60% of the SNMP querries are ok on the same machine (only some queries gets locked out during the pool).

Also SNMP querry will work if I push twice the verbose query (on the first try I get no response), the problem is it will get locked again after the first spine pool.

P.S: tried to revert back to a previous version of my cacti (and that one was working at the time), but the problem is still present, so it's not a Cacti fault.

P.S.S: Looks like a SNMP Informant bug, after an uninstall/reinstall and a SNMP service restart all the SNMP queries are back again.
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