Done; 1 bug and 1 feature request posted.
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Done; 1 bug and 1 feature request posted.
yum install rsyslog rsyslog-mysql
then restarted rsyslogd.$ModLoad ommysql
$template cacti_syslog,"INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility, priority, date, time, host, message) values (%syslogfacility%, %syslogpriority%, '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%HOSTNAME%', '%msg%')", SQL
*.* >localhost,syslog,cactiuser,password;cacti_syslog
Code: Select all
service rsyslogd restart
Code: Select all
rsyslogd: unrecognized service
Code: Select all
service rsyslog restart
Shutting down system logger: [ OK ]
Starting system logger: [ OK ]
Code: Select all
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m udp -p udp --dport 514 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 514 -j ACCEPT
Hello,fata51 wrote:Hello,
I'm trying to use Syslog (version 1.05) with a remote syslog-ng/database server.
I copied the "syslog" directory into the plugins cacti directory
First, I tried to modify the syslog/config.php before install the plugin into the plugin management console as following :
/* revert if you dont use the Cacti database */
$use_cacti_db = false;
if (!$use_cacti_db) {
$syslogdb_type = 'mysql';
$syslogdb_default = 'syslog';
$syslogdb_hostname = '';
$syslogdb_username = 'syslog';
$syslogdb_password = '****';
$syslogdb_port = 3306;
I tested this configuration by connecting with the command "mysql -h -u syslog -p syslog" and it's OK.
In the plugin management console, I choose "install" and then the following settings : MyISAM storage, Traditional Table (because of my MySQL server version) and 1 Year. After clicking on the "install" button, the page is loading for a while and finally ending with a blank page. When, I go back to the cacti console, the left menu has been modified, the plugin appeared as "Not Installed" in the plugin management and there is no syslog tab.
Secondly, I tried to install the plugin for a cacti database use and then modify the config.php. In this case, the plugin has been correctly installed and enabled. I changed the config.php as posted above but didn't manage to have anything displayed in the syslog tab. I checked the syslog_incoming table, it's correctly populated from syslog-ng daemon. I manually ran the command "php -q syslog_process.php --debug" and get the following :
cacti:/var/www/cacti/plugins/syslog# sudo -u syslog php -q syslog_process.php --debug
SYSLOG: Syslog Table is NOT Partitioned
SYSLOG: Deleted 0, Syslog Message(s) (older than 2009-11-10 days)
SYSLOG: Unique ID = 77
SYSLOG: Found 156749, New Message(s) to process
SYSLOG: Found 0, Removal Rule(s) to process
SYSLOG: Found 0, Alert Rules to process
SYSLOG: Moved , Message(s) to the 'syslog' table
SYSLOG: Deleted 156749, Already Processed Message(s) from incoming
SYSLOG: Updated , Hosts in the syslog hosts table
SYSLOG: Processing Reports...
SYSLOG: We have 0 Reports in the database
SYSLOG: Finished processing Reports...
11/10/2010 03:42:19 PM - SYSTEM SYSLOG STATS:Time:11.05 Deletes:0 Incoming:156749 Removes:0 XFers:0 Alerts:0 Alarms:0 Reports:0
No messages are moved to the syslog table but I don't understand why...
I also have some logs in the cacti.log file :
11/10/2010 02:40:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_hosts` (host) (SELECT DISTINCT host FROM `syslog`.`syslog_incoming`) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE host=VALUES(host)'
11/10/2010 02:40:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog` (logtime, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message) SELECT TIMESTAMP(`date`, `time`), priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM (SELECT date, time, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM syslog_incoming AS si INNER JOIN syslog_facilities AS sf ON sf.facility=si.facility INNER JOIN syslog_priorities AS sp ON sp.priority=si.priority INNER JOIN syslog_hosts AS sh ON WHERE status=3) AS merge'
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_host_facilities` (host_id, facility_id) SELECT host_id, facility_id FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT host, facility FROM `syslog`.`syslog_incoming`) AS s INNER JOIN `syslog`.`syslog_hosts` AS sh ON INNER JOIN `syslog`.`syslog_facilities` AS sf ON sf.facility=s.facility) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE host_id=VALUES(host_id)'
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_hosts` (host) SELECT DISTINCT host FROM `syslog`.`syslog_incoming` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE host=VALUES(host)'
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_priorities` (priority) SELECT DISTINCT priority FROM `syslog`.`syslog_incoming` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE priority=VALUES(priority)'
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_facilities` (facility) SELECT DISTINCT facility FROM `syslog`.`syslog_incoming` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE facility=VALUES(facility)'
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog_removed` WHERE logtime < '2009-11-10''
11/10/2010 02:40:17 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE logtime < '2009-11-10''
Any tips would be very appreciated
Thanks in advance,
Yea, it's not a bad idea, the performance is horrible right now anyway.JohnYYC wrote:I am currently using Syslog version 1.22 on Cacti 0.8.7g. I was wondering if it was possible to disable the "Statistics" I have no need for them and it seems to fill up my database at a pretty steady rate. I looked under Settings but couldn't find anything.
If it is not currently possible could I make a feature request for the option to enable/disable Statistics?
Code: Select all
if $fromhost-ip startswith '192.168.0.' then :ommysql:localhost,cacti,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD;cacti_syslog
& ~
Code: Select all
# Cacti template with cisco regexp stripping
$Template cacti_syslog,"INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility, priority, date, time, host, message) VALUES ('%syslogfacility-text%', '%syslogpriority-text%', '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%HOSTNAME%', '%msg:R,ERE,2,FIELD:(.*[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]: )(.*)--end%')", SQL
Code: Select all
# Async logging
$WorkDirectory /var/log/rsyslog
$ActionQueueType LinkedList # use asynchronous processing
$ActionQueueFileName srvrfwd # set file name, also enables disk mode
$ActionResumeRetryCount -1 # infinite retries on insert failure
$ActionQueueSaveOnShutdown on # save in-memory data if rsyslog shuts down
Code: Select all
// changing colours should not need a re-initialize of the session, and sometimes $_SESSION["syslog_* is set, but empty...
// if (!isset($_SESSION["syslog_colors"])) {
foreach($syslog_levels as $level) {
$syslog_colors[$level] = db_fetch_cell("SELECT hex FROM colors WHERE id=" . read_config_option("syslog_" . $level . "_bg"));
$syslog_text_colors[$level] = db_fetch_cell("SELECT hex FROM colors WHERE id=" . read_config_option("syslog_" . $level . "_fg"));
$_SESSION["syslog_colors"] = $syslog_colors;
$_SESSION["syslog_text_colors"] = $syslog_text_colors;
// }else{
// $syslog_colors = $_SESSION["syslog_colors"];
// $syslog_text_colors = $_SESSION["syslog_text_colors"];
// }
Code: Select all
(root) CMD (php /var/www/html/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1)
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