Hi @all!
Since version 0.6.8 I have to fix several issues regarding PHP´s safe_mode. Here is a brief description:
We are a small hosting company an per default safe_mode is enabled. No problem so far. The cron which is calling poller.php is using a seperate php.ini where save_mode is disabled. BUT: Since there are forked new poller instances the safe_mode gets 'lost' because these processes use the standard php.ini with safe_mode enabled!
What I have to to is edit poller.php an pass the additional parameter "-d safe_mode=off" to each 'fork' of a new poller instance.
It is obvious cacti can´t operate with safe_mode enabled. So it would be the best to:
1. Call every php script per default with "-d safe_mode=off"
2. Or even better let the user define some options which are passed to every php call
Your feedback or better solutions are welcome!
PHP safe_mode option in poller settings
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