During my work to prepare some templates with 4, 6, 8 and more data sources i thought it might be usefull to have a more "dynamic" or "intelligent" template. It would be extremly helpfull if one could write a template for 20 and more datasources (e.g. a switch to graph all ports) but decide to only use 10 data sources in the graph. At the moment if you prepare a template with e.g. 8 data sources (lets say 4 nic´s) you can not use it for a graph where you only need 3 nic´s (6 datasources) because you will always have a blank gprint line in your graph where you have chosen "none" as datasource. A template should simply ignore all informations in a graph which belong to a "none" datasource.
Btw. some small little helpers for template design would be great: duplicate graph items, gprints, comments etc. and moving them with a feature like "move comment to position #22" or "insert after 2nd item" would be a great improvment. It gives you a hard time if you realize you forgot an item and have to move it 70 lines up.
Dynamic Templates
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