Graph problem

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Graph problem

Post by davidh »

Hello all--2nd post. I'm new to this programming stuff(network guy), so please excuse the stupid questions.

I finally have cacti working, but no graphs---here is the error from log:

ERROR: opening 'C:\Apache2\htdocs\cacti/rra/smmain_dir_total_39.rrd': No such file or directory

It seems like it is the forward slashes, but I can't find where the path is set.


Winxp, apache 2.0.49, PHP 4.3.9, cacti 0.8.4, rrdtool.

I have found several mentions of this problem in forums, but I have not seen a solution.

Thanks for any help.
Grand Master Wierdo
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Joined: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:26 am

Post by Grand Master Wierdo »

I have set Cacti up on Win32 over the past couple of weeks.

I have noticed this happens after you have set up a graph for a host but the poller has not yet run once. The poller creates the RRD file for a graph / data source if one does not exist (As would be the case on it's first run after setting up a new graph)

Perhaps you do not have the poller scheduled to run?

I found that turning on Debug level logging in the settings menu and then running the poller from a CMD window helped a lot as errors can then be read from the CMD window (With more also in the log file). This should help you to see if there is a problem with the device / datasource / graph.

To run the poller from a cmd window type the following at your prompt

<path to php>\php.exe <path to cacti>\poller.php

For me this equates to
c:\php\php.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cacti\poller.php

Good Luck.

Posts: 22
Joined: Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:51 pm
Location: Laurens, SC


Post by davidh »


That did the trick-Thanks a bunch
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