CACTI can automatically determine the current flow is abnorm

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CACTI can automatically determine the current flow is abnorm

Post by ydbank »

We IDC room, there are many servers, the current flow through the MRTG monitoring whether there is a sudden flow are observed by personnel on duty, usually the delay time, or were not reliable and increase the duty officer workload.

I want to achieve such a function:

Software automatically determine the average flow of last 5 minutes, if the flow is greater than the average of the last 24 hours 3 times, or more than the predefined threshold, the alarm via voice or e-mail continued.

I know CACTI can be achieved by setting the alarm threshold, but because the IDC server and out, the frequent changes in network bandwidth services, set the threshold itself is a heavy workload. I like to be able to automatically determine this fact, we determine whether the abnormal flow of a node is based on my way to manually judge.
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