I have a graph template for showing traffic of multiple interfaces from different hosts. In the legend I would like to have the hostname of each device in graph, however this is currently not possible with the use of templates alone. I can get interface name (query_ifName) OK, but hostname is not possible.
Would it be possible to modify the way values of |host_*| variables are extracted. If the graph has no host associated, but the graph item specifies use of a host variable, Cacti would look up the host of data source associated with the graph item and extract the value from that host.
I know aggregate plugin can automatically add hostnames to graph items. Unfortunately it just doesn't create the graphs the way I'd like them and manual editing takes too much time.
If there is some other way to currently achieve the same result, please let me know.
Get host_description value from data source
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Sorry to reply to myself but I couldn't resist looking at the code. It turns out this is a much simpler change than I expected. I opened a feature request in the bug tracker with a patch: http://bugs.cacti.net/view.php?id=1667
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