Boost performance ?

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Boost performance ?

Post by msylvain »

Hello !

I just set up 2 days ago the boost plugin, and hopping a decrease of the load average of the machine. I'm a little disapointed, because i see now that the load average and the cpu load is higher than before boost. The only benefice are on disk i/o and on polling time.
I attached 4 graphs to this post to illustrate it.

Here is my Boost status :

Code: Select all

Current Boost Status
Boost On Demand Updating:	Idle
Total Data Sources:	37135
Total Boost Records:	442481

Boost Storage Statistics
Database Engine:	MyISAM
Current Boost Table Size:	94 MBytes
Avg Bytes/Record:	223 Bytes
Max Allowed Boost Table Size:	Unlimited
Estimated Maximum Records:	Unlimited Records

Runtime Statistics
Last Start Time:	2010-03-24 15:08:50
Last Run Duration:	3 minutes 54 seconds (7% of update frequency)
RRD Updates:	441878
Peak Poller Memory:	30.87 MBytes
Detailed Runtime Timers:	RRDUpdates:441878 TotalTime:234.2244 range_local_data_id:5.01 rcaston_add:9.35 get_records:11.33 results_cycle:156.64 rrd_path:22.01 rrd_template:43.87 rrd_lastupdate:6.53 rrd_field_names:17.95 rrdupdate:38.58 delete:40.3
Max Poller Memory Allowed:	512 MBytes

Run Time Configuration
Update Frequency:	1 Hour
Next Start Time:	2010-03-24 16:08:50
Maximum Records:	1000000 Records
Maximum Allowed Runtime:	20 Minutes

Boost Server Details
Server Config Status:	Enabled
Multiprocess Server:	Multiple Process
Update Timeout:	5 Seconds
Server/Port:	localhost@9050
Authorized Update Web Servers:
RRDtool Binary Used:	/opt/rrdtool/bin/rrdupdate

Image Caching
Image Cacing Status:	Enabled
Cache Directory:	/var/www/cacti_ng/boostimgcache/
Cached Files:	11242 Files
Cached Files Size:	274 MBytes
Here are general stats on my cacti :

Code: Select all

03/24/2010 03:13:49 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0054 Tholds:0 Hosts:0
03/24/2010 03:13:49 PM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:47.8314 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:16 Hosts:295 HostsPerProcess:295 DataSources:37135 RRDsProcessed:0 
rrd files are updated once per hour, but i plan to set it to 2 hours, and my max_heap_table_size is set to 256 Mo.

For now, only 2 tables are Memory tables : poller_output and poller_output_boost_processes; the others are MyISAM.

Can someone tell me where i'm wrong with my boost setup, or if boost is just not for me ?


cpu.png (41.95 KiB) Viewed 1443 times
io.png (29.73 KiB) Viewed 1443 times
load.png (51.95 KiB) Viewed 1443 times
poller_stats.png (29.12 KiB) Viewed 1443 times
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Post by TheWitness »

poller_output_boost is the main table that should be memory. However, you must make sure that:

1) your output column width is optimal (aka as small as it can be)
2) You have enough memory to handle memory tables
3) Your max_heap_table_size is large enough to handle the number of records you choose to cache.
4) Don't flush boost too often. I typically size it so that you can flush about every 4 hours.

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Post by msylvain »

Thanks for your so fast answer !
1) your output column width is optimal (aka as small as it can be)
I'm still tuning it, and i just realized that for now, i set up the output field to be a varchar(190), which is not enought, since i'm using an apache script server polling returning more than 300 characters :-?
2) You have enough memory to handle memory tables
Well, My server has 2Go of RAM.
2Go ought to be enough for anybody (tm) :lol:
3) Your max_heap_table_size is large enough to handle the number of records you choose to cache.
here is the size of my poller_output table :

Code: Select all

| Field         | Type                  | Null | Key | Default             | Extra |
| local_data_id | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0                   |       |3 octets
| rrd_name      | varchar(19)           | NO   | PRI |                     |       |20 octets
| time          | datetime              | NO   | PRI | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |8 octets
| output        | varchar(190)          | NO   |     |                     |       |191 octets
and here is how i calculate my max_heap_table_size :

total : 3+20+8+191 = 222 octets, lets say 256 octets

for 37k datasources, lets say 40k, during 2 hours, that is to say 2*12 pollings, i think i need
256 * 40000 * 2 * 12 = 245760000

256Mo seems to be a large enought choice. Maybe i'll try 512Mo for 4 hours between updates

Tell me if i'm wrong.
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Post by TheWitness »

Your right on track.

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