Problems on Graph display, Weathermap plugins

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Problems on Graph display, Weathermap plugins

Post by rooney »

Hi everyone,

I installed successful Cacti on Windows 7 ( use Windows Installer [v1.94 - 2009-11-25]). But I have met some problems :
1. The Graph only displays MIB –Processes chart. It doesn’t display CPU-Usage, Available Disk Space. Please tell me how to fix it. (see image)


2. Plugin Weathermap : when I ran weathermap/check.php, they displayed messages

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Weathermap Pre-install Checker
This page checks for some common problems with your PHP and server environment that may stop Weathermap or the Editor from working.
NOTE: You should run this script as a web page AND from the command-line, as the environment can be different in each.
PHP Basics
This is the PHP version that is responsible for
•	The web-based editor
•	Building maps with Rebuild Now from Cacti
This is PHP Version 5.2.11 running on "Windows NT DONGP 6.1 build 7600" with a memory_limit of '128M'. 
The php.ini file was C:\Cacti\php\php.ini 
There were no additional ini files, according to PHP.
PHP Functions
Some parts of Weathermap need special support in your PHP installation to work.
The gdinfo() function is not available, which means that either the GD extension is not available, not enabled, or not installed. 
imagepng()	 CRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatetruecolor()	 CRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagealphablending()	 CRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imageSaveAlpha()	 CRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatefrompng()	 CRITICAL This is required for all of Weathermap. It is part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatefromjpeg()	 non-critical This is required for JPEG input support for ICON and BACKGROUND. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecreatefromgif()	 non-critical This is required for GIF input support for ICON and BACKGROUND. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagejpeg()	 non-critical This is required for JPEG output support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagegif()	 non-critical This is required for GIF output support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagecopyresampled()	 non-critical This is required for Thumbnail creation in the Cacti plugin. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
imagettfbbox()	 non-critical This is required for TrueType font support. It is an optional part of the GD library and the "gd" PHP extension.
If these functions are not found, you may need to 
•	check that the 'extension=' line for that extension is uncommented in your php.ini file (then restart your webserver), or 
•	install the extension, if it isn't installed already
The details of how this is done will depend on your operating system, and on where you installed (or compiled) your PHP from originally. Usually, you would install an RPM, or other package on Linux systems, a port on *BSD, or a DLL on Windows. If you build PHP from source, you need to add extra options to the './configure' line. Consult your PHP documention for more information.
I added extension=php_gd.dll, extension=php_gd2.dll into php.ini and put 2 files php_gd.dll, php_gd2.dll into ext folder (php/ext), after that I cannot restart Apache (Error message : The requested operation has failed)..
Please help me to solve them..
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Post by BSOD2600 »

1. Read through on how to debug the graphs and use the cacti.log to find out why those few graphs aren't working.

2. You'll need to download the php 5.2.11 zip file, extracting those two additional files, and place them into your php\ext\ folder. The next version of my installer will be smarter and install them if required.
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