cacti Instalation Guide (Step 1) (how do I progress?)

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cacti Instalation Guide (Step 1) (how do I progress?)

Post by RandomWelshBloke »

cacti 0.6.8, RH7.2, php 4.2.1 :D

When trying to connect to index.php i get the cacti Instalation Guide (Step 1) screen.

When I click next >> it just refreshes the screen, any one know how to get out of this loop? :-?

When running cmd.php I get the following errors repeated for each script in the script directory.

Can't open perl script "/scripts/":No such file or directory
sh: /log/rrd.log: No such file or directory
sh: create: command not found
sh: /log/rrd.log: No such file or directory
sh: update: command not found

I appriciate any ideas (have already looked at permissions...)
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Post by raX »

It sounds like the two problems you are having are unrelated. The reason 'cmd.php' is not running is because you have not set your paths yet in cacti, and this is something that is normally done in the install screen.

The install loop you are in is most likely due to the $step variable not being set properly in the install.php file. This is probably because the:

Code: Select all

register_globals = On
register_argc_argv = On
variables are not set in your php.ini file.

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Post by RandomWelshBloke »

Code: Select all

register_globals = On 
register_argc_argv = On

has been set in my /www/conf/php.ini file however when I create the <?php phpinfo(); ?> file it indicates that register_globals is Off!

Also at the top of the page the field 'Configuration File (php.ini) Path' is set to /usr/local/lib

I tried puting a link to my php.ini file from thet dirctory but there was no change.

Any ideas?

Thanks Again :)

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Post by raX »

Did you create a link to the php.ini file in /usr/local/lib, or did you actually try copying the php.ini file there? I would first try copying the file there and seeing what happens (and of course restart Apache). You could also try running a locate php.ini to see where else the file might be hiding.

And just to be complete, try putting the php.ini file in the /etc directory to see if that changes anything.

Hope you get your problem resolved.

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Post by RandomWelshBloke »

Ian, thank you so much! :D

In case any one else has this problem...

Had done the old locate php.ini and changed all versions I could find, no joy.

Originally created a link (ln -s /path/to/php.ini php.ini) but can't remember if I restarted apache! :oops:

Just copied the php.ini file to /usr/local/lib and restarted apache and it now works 8)

P.S. Ian I know college is expensive in the US, but with this work you have done you should seriously consider posting to see if any one can provide sponsorship for you. Im sure there are 100s of corporations using this software now, and this would be a perfect way for them to give something back. It would be no problem for you to get a job now, but dont be in too much of a hurry to enter the working world (you might replace my department :lol: ).
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Post by raX »

Excellent, I am glad that solved your problem.

About college, I actually am getting a "free ride" since I have a family member that works at the college I am attending, Shippensburg University. I would be curious if there are/were any cacti users that attended Shippensburg. I haven't run into cacti users locally yet.

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Post by RandomWelshBloke »


On the same theme, my bos really likes cacti and wanted to know if there was any cost. When he found out it is free he asked if we could make a donation. Do you have a wish list? Books, CD's DVD,s etc...

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Post by raX »

Can't pass up the opportunity for free stuff ;-) Here is the URL for my Amazon wishlist: ... 74-7102256

Don't feel obligated to buy anything, but feel free to :D

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