It is possible to calculate dynamic value in LABEL

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It is possible to calculate dynamic value in LABEL

Post by widek611 »

There is info howto add additional info to LABEL from the TARGET line, which fetches data from a Cacti rrd file: ... -data.html

I have a question. I try to display something like this: "used_mem from total_mem", but i have only free_mem and total_mem values. I want calculate used_mem like this: used_mem=total_mem-free_mem

I try something this:
NODE ifsapp_RAM
TARGET scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1678.rrd:mem_free:- scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1679.rrd:-:mem_total
INFOURL /cacti/graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=1436
OVERLIBGRAPH /cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=1436&rra_id=0&graph_height=120&graph_width=500&g_start=4&g_end=0
POSITION ifsapp_RAM_icon 0 +27
LABEL {node:this:bandwidth_out:%0.2k-node:this:bandwidth_in:%0.2k} from {node:this:bandwidth_out:%0.2k}
MAXVALUE 4300000000
Or maybe from more sources like this:

"(mem_total-mem_free-mem_buffer-mem_cache) from mem_total"

Please help.
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Post by Howie »

What happens when you use your example code? That looks about right to me...

You can't do the second way (with calculations) though.

EDIT: Sorry - just looked closer - the second part of the LABEL is OK. The first part (with the calculation) won't work.

You should be able to have another hidden node to do the calculation though:

NODE hidden
TARGET scale:1024:blah.rrd:mem_total:- - scale:1024:blah.rrd:mem_free:-
POSITION 100000 100000

NODE label
LABEL {node:hidden:bandwidth_in:%.2k} used.
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Post by widek611 »

Howie wrote:What happens when you use your example code? That looks about right to me...

You can't do the second way (with calculations) though.

EDIT: Sorry - just looked closer - the second part of the LABEL is OK. The first part (with the calculation) won't work.

You should be able to have another hidden node to do the calculation though:

NODE hidden
TARGET scale:1024:blah.rrd:mem_total:- - scale:1024:blah.rrd:mem_free:-
POSITION 100000 100000

NODE label
LABEL {node:hidden:bandwidth_in:%.2k} used.
OK. It works perfect. I used something like this without hidden Node:
NODE ifsapp_RAM
TARGET scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1679.rrd:mem_total:- -scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1678.rrd:mem_free:- -scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1677.rrd:mem_cache:- -scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1676.rrd:mem_buffers:- scale:1024:/www/cacti/rra/35/1679.rrd:-:mem_total
INFOURL /cacti/graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=1436
OVERLIBGRAPH /cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=1436&rra_id=0&graph_height=120&graph_width=500&g_start=4&g_end=0
POSITION ifsapp_RAM_label 0 +17
LABEL {node:this:bandwidth_in:%0.2k}/{node:this:bandwidth_out:%0.2k}
MAXVALUE 4300000000
Thanks very much
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