There seems to be a small problem with the [root] - Default Tree PREVIEW graphs that Cacti is supposed to show. You can get a better idea about the actual trouble by clicking on the (to see tha GOOOD one - the way Cacti should behave) and on the (to see the "missbehaving" one).
The problem is annoying as if I click ont he missing PNG/GIF on the above mentioned page I can get full details about the monitored item (say "Apache Web Hits", "MySQL Usage" or "Apache/Samba/Mysql") including the top image that was supposed to show up on the [root] - Default Tree PREVIEW...!!!
I must also mention that this problem happens just the same on two different systems - each of them running home-compiled apache-mysql-php servers. Cacti/RRDTool worked fine for me on other two systems (one from you could see the good_one.gif above) yet this time the both systems were running Nusphere Web Suite (Apache+MySQL+PHP) precomplied.
Trying to get some debug infromation on the present trouble I've checked "Create/Graph/SNMP/Update" on Log File yet Cacti would not log any details to /log/rrd.log except for the update operations.
I even went further and selected the HTML Export Path: option from Cacti Settings! The result is just the same! There is no preview image for the same missing items on [root] - Default Tree PREVIEW graphs as u can see on
I don't think this problem is related to any permission matter as there would be the same prblem for all the [root] - Default Tree PREVIEW pics.
I'm anxiously looking forward to solving of this problem as I'm actually in love with Cacti/RRDTool!
Cacti-0.6.7 skipping some GRAPHS in [root] - Default Tree
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Come on! Nobody knows nothing about this?
I can't believe I'm the only one who has got this problem! Rax Peeez! Help me get out of this trouble! If u want I can provide u with supplementary details about the software/hardware plaform!
no graph previews
Yes, I also have a preview problem with the previews in 0.6.7. I am sure I created the problem when I 'moved' the cacit SQL database to another machine. I had been testing cacti on my home machine and am quite impressed so I moved it into production on another maching by dumping the SQL database to a fiile and importing it into a newly created database on the new machine. (RH 7.2) and all seemed well except when viewing the graph previews - they just don't show a preview, but you can select the link that is there and the graphs shows up fine. The previous machine is still running without the preview problem. I have tried to compare the databases and I don't see anything that sticks out.
rwdozier: The lack of graph previews on your production machine probably has to do with an older version of rrdtool. Download and compile the newest version, and make sure cacti points to it and see if that helps.
About the other problem... What do you do that to causes it to work/break? Or is the problem completely random? It looks like the only graphs that are breaking, are the ones that contain CDEF's. This in fact could be the cause of the problem you are having.
About the other problem... What do you do that to causes it to work/break? Or is the problem completely random? It looks like the only graphs that are breaking, are the ones that contain CDEF's. This in fact could be the cause of the problem you are having.
I should have been more speciic. Some of the preview graphs were there but many were not. On the test machine at home, I was running:
mySql 3.2.49a
cacti 0.6.8
php 4.2.0
rrdtool 1.0.35
On the production server, I had following and having the preview problem:
mySql 3.2.49a
cacti 0.6.7 <-different
php 4.2.0
rrdtool 1.0.38 <- differeent
Since I was already on the lastest version per raX's suggestion, I dropped the production server to rrdtool 1.0.35 and BINGO all the preview graphs were there! I flipped it back to rrdtool 1.0.38 and some were again missing and then back to rrdtool 1.0.35 and they're back. So just for grins, I upgraded the production server to cacti 0.6.8 (with rrdtool 1.0.35) and all is fine. So I then flip to rrdtool 1.0.38 and all is still fine. Go figure. Anyway, that process seemed to do the trick. AND, I am really enjoying cacti!!!!
mySql 3.2.49a
cacti 0.6.8
php 4.2.0
rrdtool 1.0.35
On the production server, I had following and having the preview problem:
mySql 3.2.49a
cacti 0.6.7 <-different
php 4.2.0
rrdtool 1.0.38 <- differeent
Since I was already on the lastest version per raX's suggestion, I dropped the production server to rrdtool 1.0.35 and BINGO all the preview graphs were there! I flipped it back to rrdtool 1.0.38 and some were again missing and then back to rrdtool 1.0.35 and they're back. So just for grins, I upgraded the production server to cacti 0.6.8 (with rrdtool 1.0.35) and all is fine. So I then flip to rrdtool 1.0.38 and all is still fine. Go figure. Anyway, that process seemed to do the trick. AND, I am really enjoying cacti!!!!
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