Exchange 2003 scripts from Windows Cacti

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Post by cghost98 »

Forget about my post - mine work now :D
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Re: Exchange 2003 scripts from Windows Cacti

Post by peitje »

I looked troughout the whole post here. but no solution for people who use a linux variant.
Is there also a variant to download for using something else then the win32 ole??
Since that wont work on linux.
not gonna emulate a windows wine on a linux server. kinda kills the purpose of having a linux server.

ill give you here the message i get when i try to start it.
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Re: Exchange 2003 scripts from Windows Cacti

Post by lperrero »

I am having performance issues with paged pool memory on all of my Windows 2003 It would be fantastic to get the cacti_graph_template_windows_memory_utilisation.xml working. I think I have taken all the steps listed in the very start of this topic but I have an issue where the data is not populating the graph.

These are the steps that I took already:

1. Downloaded and saved it in my scripts folder removing the txt file extension.

2. Downloaded and then imported the cacti_data_template_windows_memory_utilisation.xml data template.

3. Downloaded and then imported the cacti_graph_template_windows_memory_utilisation.xml graph template.

4. Edited the data input method to be <path_cacti>/scripts/perl <hostname>

5. Tested the Perl script on a remote Windows 2003 and also tested with Scriptomatic on the remote 2003 server and this works normally.

Everything works correctly when tested with the Perl script and the pulling the data with WMI remotely with Scriptomatic however the RRD files never update so something is wrong. I attached my graph to show you what it looks like currently.

Thank you in advance for the help!
cacti pic.gif
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