Who Want's A MacTrack 2.0?

Support questions about the MAC Track plugin

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Post by rjoshuaw »

Hmm.. well I can't seem to get that far. I copied the 2.0 files over the original 1.1's and try to run php database_upgrade.php and I get this:

acti@WCNMS1:/var/www/cacti/plugins/mactrack$ php database_upgrade.php
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> ifHighSpeed, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> ifDuplex, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> int_ifInDiscards, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> int_ifInErrors, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> int_ifInUnknownProtos, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> int_ifOutDiscards, Failed!
ERROR: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_interfaces, Column -> int_ifOutErrors, Failed!
SUCCESS: Add Column, Table -> mac_track_devices, Column -> host_id, Already Exists!
ERROR: Execute SQL, Speed up queries, Failed!
SUCCESS: Execute SQL, Add length to Device Types Match Fields, Ok
SUCCESS: Execute SQL, Correct a Scanning Function Bug, Ok

Any ideas?
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Post by rjoshuaw »

Ok, so I got the above fixed as well and everything seems to be working ok except the IEEE download. I end up getting this:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 524288 bytes) in /var/www/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line 1826

Which would be this area I believe:

$oui_database = file($oui_file);

if ($type != "ui") print "<tr><td>";

if (sizeof($oui_database)) {
echo "OUI Database Download from IEEE Complete\n";
echo "OUI Database Download from IEEE FAILED\n";

if ($type != "ui") print "</td></tr>";

if (sizeof($oui_database)) {
db_execute("UPDATE mac_track_oui_database SET present=0");
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Post by alokvimawala »

It looks like the import function needs more than 16MB of memory.
You can change the amount of memory allocated to the mactrack_functions.php file by adding the following line at the beginning of the file:

Code: Select all

ini_set("memory_limit", "64M");
this will increase the amount of memory available to mactrack_functions.php.
I have also attached a diff of mactrack_functions.php if you would like to go that route. To use the patch, copy the .diff.txt file to your cacti/plugins/mactrack directory and run the following command:

Code: Select all

patch -p0 -i alokvimawala_mactrackfunctions.diff.txt
Report back if you have any problems.
(623 Bytes) Downloaded 473 times
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Post by rjoshuaw »

Excellent. That resolved that problem. I figured it was something similiar to one of the bugs you had reported and posted a link too, but I didn't know what to do about it. SO IEEE is downloaded and updated and now I'm trying to familerize myself with mactrack and exactly how to make it work. I created my site name, and then added a device to it. Once the device was added it showed up. Now the first link or button you have for the device is x out, there's no icon on it and it's link points here:
http://wcnms1/cacti/plugins/mactrack/ma ... s=0&page=1
Though I don't have a mactrack_interfaces.php file and that of course means it goes no where. In the brief looking, it doesn't seem like you can automatically pull devices from Cacti into Mactrack, so even though I created a new device WCOCASW1 in mactrack and it already existed in Cacti, the icon to click on and have mactrack take you to the cacti graphs for that device says "Device Not In Cacti". I also deleted my device out of cacti and mactrack, re-added it in mactrack and tried to use the icon that says "Create Cacti Device and Graphs" but it doesn't do anything. I'm currently playing with the poller and trying to see if it'll give me a list of mac's and ip's on my core, we'll see.
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Post by TheWitness »

rjoshuaw wrote:Ok, so I got the above fixed as well and everything seems to be working ok except the IEEE download. I end up getting this:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 524288 bytes) in /var/www/cacti/plugins/mactrack/lib/mactrack_functions.php on line 1826

Which would be this area I believe:

$oui_database = file($oui_file);

if ($type != "ui") print "<tr><td>";

if (sizeof($oui_database)) {
echo "OUI Database Download from IEEE Complete\n";
echo "OUI Database Download from IEEE FAILED\n";

if ($type != "ui") print "</td></tr>";

if (sizeof($oui_database)) {
db_execute("UPDATE mac_track_oui_database SET present=0");
I fixed this a little differently in SVN. For all those watching, please use Mantis for Features and bug reports moving forward. I am spending much less time on the forums these days due to my schedule being constantly insane, but Mantis is something where I can separate the Chaff from the Load.


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For those wondering, I'm still here, but lost in the shadows. Yearning for less bugs. Who want's a Cacti 1.3/2.0? Streams anyone?
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Post by TheWitness »


I need someone, or bodies to take the Nestea plundge. I have added several features this weekend in the impending (I hope release of MacTrack 2.x (might be 2.1 or ++ depending on how many more db changes are required).

I have implemented the following this weekend:
bug: 0001546: mactrack_view_devices does not display the proper page numbers
bug: 0001545: mactrack_scanner does not complete successfully for some hosts
bug: 0001547: mactrack_view_sites does not show page numbers
bug: 0001548: mactrack_view_macs various issues
bug: IEEE Database import runs out of memory
bug: Correct uninitialized error in mactrack_hp.php
feature: Adding support for ArpWatch
feature: Adding Juniper Support
feature: Support Foundry Dual Mode Ports
feature: Implement MacWatch in code. E-Mailing now.
feature: Adding significant content to the mac_track_interfaces table
feature: Implement MacAuth functionality and periodic reports (almost)
I need someone to specifically test the following:

1) Database Upgrade (check your Cacti log). It's automatic when you goto Plugin Management. (no more database_upgrade.php)
2) Interface Updating during Scanning
3) MacTrack MacWatch Features and E-Mailing
4) Rouge MAC Detection in MAC Auth tagging of ports.

I can provide only limited online support, so if you are nervous about making the upgrade, send me a PM, and we can coordinate a time. Keep in mind that I am on the East Coast US (GMT-5), but work both early and late, so, as long as it's not during working hours, we are generally ok.

The next updates will supprise you all. The work is already mostly done in another plugin. Early adopters get to sample the prize.

I also need help on the formatting of the MacAuth reporting framework. Ideas would be appreciated.

If you all decide to go it alone, remember bugs goto http://bugs.cacti.net. You can PM me as well.

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VRF aware?

Post by pgus »


Is it possible to support Cisco VRF.

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Post by TheWitness »

Can you send me a link to a brief article on this subject?

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Post by pgus »

TheWitness wrote:Can you send me a link to a brief article on this subject?

http://www.firstdigest.com/2009/08/cisc ... mentation/
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Post by TheWitness »

Ok, that's good. Now, show me how they are implemented in SNMP. Then I can quite easily implement.

One other point is that on a per site basis, with the edge access router be associated with only a single VRF or could there be more than one. Real world scenario. Theoretically, I would imagine that if you have +1 interfaces, your could have multiple VRF's. But does this happen.


True understanding begins only when we realize how little we truly understand...

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Post by Wafty »


Appologies if I'm being thick, but can you tell me what the SVN path is for the latest Mactrack 2. I've tried some of the SVN details in this forum but no joy.

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Post by TheWitness »


True understanding begins only when we realize how little we truly understand...

Life is an adventure, let yours begin with Cacti!

Author of dozens of Cacti plugins and customization's. Advocate of LAMP, MariaDB, IBM Spectrum LSF and the world of batch. Creator of IBM Spectrum RTM, author of quite a bit of unpublished work and most of Cacti's bugs.
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Post by georgek »

This version supports snmp v3?
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Post by TheRookie »

TheWitness wrote:svn://svn.cacti.net/var/svnroot/cacti_plugins


Code: Select all

$svn co svn://svn.cacti.net/var/svnroot/cacti_plugins
svn: No repository found in 'svn://svn.cacti.net/var/svnroot/cacti_plugins'
If i point my browser to svn.cacti.net i'm redirected to http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc/?root=Plugins, where i can click through to http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc/mactrack/tr ... ot=Plugins, but I don't see an option to download a tarball, and svn doesn't like the url:

Code: Select all

$svn co http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc/mactrack/trunk/?root=Plugins
svn: URL 'http://svn.cacti.net/viewvc/mactrack/trunk/?root=Plugins' is not properly URI-encoded
Or am i doing something wrong (i'm relatively new to svn) ...

Thanks !
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Post by Mikf »

the correct svn link is :

svn co svn://svn.cacti.net/cacti_plugins/mactrack/trunk mactrack
Last edited by Mikf on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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