empty host list / graph tree item list

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empty host list / graph tree item list

Post by dannysauer »

So, I installed the cacti package that comes with SuSE 9.1 (0.8.5), and had what looked like DB problems. I then pulled down 0.8.6 and cleanly installed (using SuSE-like paths, though, and completely recreating the DB). The problems remain.

When I go to add a graph, or any other page that *should* have a drop down list of hosts, the list is empty (or has any/none on the lists where that's appropriate). When I go to the "devices" page, they're all listed, though. In addition, when I go to the graph trees list, the base trees are all listed. When I go to edit one of the trees, though, the items list is empty. If I create a new heading, though, the headings show up in the drop down list of available nodes to place the new object underneath. Furthermore, when I go to the tree mode of graph viewing, the tree structure shows up just as I created it. It's uneditable, though, since the tree editing section shows no items for each tree.

This, as one might imagine, is a bit annoying. Cacti itself seems pretty nice, and the monitoring works well. I haven't dug into the PHP at all to see where those things are generated, as this is a relatively large project and it's way easier to ask people who might be familiar with the code already... :)

The only thing I'm doing a little weird is 1) log files in in /var/log/cacti/, 2) rrd files in /var/lib/cacti/, and 3) using a MysQL 4.1 DB server on a remote host w/ default PHP compiled against MySQL 3.something on SuSE 9.1. As far as I can tell, the logs and rrd file locations should have nothing to do with this, and the DB connection clearly works since the data shows up properly in some places.

So, any hints as to where I should look? I did a cursory search on the boards here, but nothing popped out at me...
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Post by JoeNetwork »

Perhaps a silly question, but do the graphs actually still exist, under Graph Management? :)

(i.e. maybe they got erased during your upgrade process somehow)

I had some finicky issues w/versions prior to 0.8.5 regarding graph tree editing, but things have bene solid for me on 0.8.5+

I thought I had an issue as you described today, but I went under devices and saw "Not Being Graphed" next to everything. I could have swore I turned on all the graphs, but perhaps I overlooked it. In any case, soon as I re-checked the checkboxes and re-saved that device, they appeared in the tree (but I don't think they were there in the first place).
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Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:37 am

Post by dannysauer »

Yup. The graphs are listed in the individual graph management section, and they show up properly in all three display views, including the tree view. They just don't show up in the console under the "edit tree items" display. The hosts don't show up, either. I found yesterday that I can type the name of a host to search, and that works fine, too. There's just something screwed up in the generation of the drop-downs.

On the tree edit page, there's a comment:

Code: Select all

<!-- <P>Building Heirarchy w/ 0 leaves</P>  -->
, and on the "new graph" page, the host dropdown is an empty <select>. So it's not getting the data from the DB, as it seems.

Maybe I'll crank the logging up on my DB server to see if anything's even asking for the hosts, and start digging through the PHP to see where stuff's happening. As a debugging idea, it'd sure be handy if each page had something like "show queries" or something... At least, it'd be handy for me right now. :)
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