A Template for Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet

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Frédéric FAURE
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A Template for Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet

Post by Frédéric FAURE »

A Template for Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet

Hello everyone !

For those who want to graph the key value system DB Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet, here is a template I wrote.

It assumes that Tokyo Tyrant and Tokyo Cabinet are installed on the Cacti server to use "tcrmgr". This allows to use the command "tcrmgr inform -port $port -st $hostname" to get the stats of TT. But these are very light, and i had to add some scripts on the distant server monitored : i didn't like that because it's a little different from the idea I have that the monitoring should be the less intrusive as possible, but no other way to have more stats (I deploy my instances with Puppet, so there is not a lot of impact for me).

NB : In tokyotyrant-stats.pl, you can see sometimes $port or 1978 (like in the scripts on the monitored server) : that's because I worked with master (port 1978) slave (port 1979) combo : the informations from "tcrmgr inform" came from $port, because each one send to me different informations. On the other side, the informations that I gathered from the system (about master and slave) were all stored on master (1978) and replicated on the slave, so i can get all of them on 1978. I could have put a variable instead of 1978 to get the info, but not enough time. Feel free to modify the scripts and had what you need.

TokyoTyrantStats v 0.1 - Copyright Cafe.com http://fr.cafe.com/ - GNU Public License

RELEASED 29 July 2009

Frédéric FAURE (fred.faure@gmail.com)


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright Cafe.com - Made by Frederic FAURE - fred.faure@gmail.com
# 29 July 2009
# requires tcrmgr
# Version 0.1
# perl tokyotyrant-stats.pl <hostname> <port>
# <hostname> is optional and can be an IP address or host name.
# If none is given, "localhost" is assumed.
# The Cacti configuration should take care of this.
# <port> is optional
# If none is given, "1978" is assumed.
# The Cacti configuration should take care of this.
# It assumes that tokyotyrant and tokyocabinet are installed to use "tcrmgr".


TokyoTyrantStats v 0.1 - Copyright Cafe.com http://fr.cafe.com/ - GNU Public License

I wrote my scripts for Ubuntu Intrepid.

0. requires tcrmgr, perl

1. Copy the script "tokyotyrant-stats.pl" to $cacti_path/scripts.

2. Create directory on the monitored server /var/log/tt_info/ (root, root, 755).

2. Copy on the monitored server, in /usr/local/sbin/ : tt_1978_info_pcpu_get.sh, tt_1978_info_pcpu.sh, tt_1978_info_pcpu_store.sh, tt_1978_info_socket_get.sh, tt_1978_info_socket.sh, tt_1978_info_socket_store.sh, tt_1978_info_threads_get.sh, tt_1978_info_threads.sh, tt_1978_info_threads_store.sh.

3. Copy on the monitored server, in /etc/cron.d/ : tt_1978_info_pcpu, tt_1978_info_socket, tt_1978_info_threads.

(The cron ask the .sh to get the info, write it in /tmp/ and then store the result in TT/TC)

4. Import the XML file into Cacti.

5. You can create your graphs and wait 2 cycles of Cacti querying TT/TC (~10 minutes).

I hope this will help you.
You are welcome to post questions for help if needed, I'll try to respond, although I can't promise to always be responsive (I'am really busy ;o().

In all cases, feel free to modify the scripts and had what you need.


Frédéric FAURE (fred.faure@gmail.com)
Template for Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet
(106.2 KiB) Downloaded 322 times
TT Sockets Stats
TT Sockets Stats
ttstats-sockets.png (52.98 KiB) Viewed 8223 times
TT Items Stored Stats
TT Items Stored Stats
ttstats-items_stored.png (22.5 KiB) Viewed 8223 times
TT Data File Size Stats
TT Data File Size Stats
ttstats-data_file_size.png (21.04 KiB) Viewed 8223 times
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:50 am

Post by carljackson47 »

It is indeed a good template for cabinets. Making it is much simpler than I thought. I really need a pantry cabinet and I am designing the exact size that would fit my space.
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