Exchange 2007 from Linux

Templates, scripts for templates, scripts and requests for templates.

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Post by Shed »

Well, I solved my problem!!! Hurrayy!!!

When importing templates there is a radiobutton in the bottom called "Import RRA Settings". I chose "Use custom RRA settings from the template " and that was my problem. When I deleted evrth and imported templates again with "Use defaults for this installation (Recommended)" - evrth became OK.

Thanks a lot to everybody who wrote about typo's and other small things. You helped me very much!!

(I still got problem with memory graph, but I hope I'll cure it by 'playing' with 'max values' as written above)
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Post by Shed »

Well, I've solved my memory graph problem!

The problem was solved when I changed "Internal Data Source Name"
in Data Template. There were names "bytes_allocated" and so on, and I set them to short names like "cba", "mba" and so on (like variables in the script output), and in Graph Template in Data Sources I changed them also. I don't know - may be smth wasn't needed, but it helped me..
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Post by beandip »

For those who are increasing the max data values for the memory graph what are you using?

My Exchange server has 12 GB of RAM. I have tried 10000 and 1000000 as the max values and still get nothing.
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Post by magzz69 »

When I use the plugin in command line i've got 0 for all the plugins. But my exchange didn't send 0 messages etc etc..

What is the problem?

I'm using the plugin on nagios but it will be working , won't it?
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centos 5.3

Post by Doolphin »

Hi, when I try to execute the script in the shell, i dont have any answer from it
here an example :

[root@cacti scripts]# /usr/bin/perl /var/www/cacti/scripts/
mba:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H $ARGV[0] -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\MSExchangeIS(_Total)\Exchmem: Maximum Bytes Allocated" cba:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H $ARGV[0] -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\MSExchangeIS(_Total)\Exchmem: Current Bytes Allocated" mvba:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H $ARGV[0] -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\MSExchangeIS(_Total)\Exchmem: Maximum Virtual Bytes Allocated" cvba:/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H $ARGV[0] -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\MSExchangeIS(_Total)\Exchmem: Current Virtual Bytes Allocated"
[root@cacti scripts]#

if someone have any idea, because I dont :)

thanks for your help
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other error

Post by Doolphin »

Hi, I solved my problem, it was a bad c/c in my .pl script.
But now, i have another problem.
I always got that in cacti log :
perl /var/www/cacti/scripts/ , output: bypassed:check_nt: Could not parse arguments

i really dont understand what does it mean

Thanks for your answer
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Exchange 2007 perl script not working

Post by bornpilot »


I am attempting to use the exchange scripts to monitor my exchange servers the graphs show up in cacti but in the log I this error:

10/13/2009 10:02:08 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[20] ERROR: Empty result []: 'perl /var/www/html/scripts/ Mailbox'

But if I go to the script and copy out the line and replace the $ARGV[0] with the ip address of the exchange server such as:

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeIS\\User Count"

I get a valid return from the server. I don't understand why the perl script will not return a value but if I run the command from the a terminal windows I do get value?

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Post by Runan »

magzz69 wrote:When I use the plugin in command line i've got 0 for all the plugins. But my exchange didn't send 0 messages etc etc..

What is the problem?

I'm using the plugin on nagios but it will be working , won't it?
Hello everybody,

I have the same problem as magzz69. All results of scripts return the value 0 ... :(

i launch this command on my cacti server :
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt -H mailserver -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons" -s ""
And the result is 0.

On my exchange server, i have in the nsclient.log :
2009-11-13 10:12:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\CheckSystem.cpp:1059: ERROR: Counter not found: \MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons: The specified performance object was not found on the computer.
2009-11-13 10:12:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\CheckSystem.cpp:1061: ERROR: Counter not found: \MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons: The specified performance object was not found on the computer.
2009-11-13 10:12:57: error:modules\CheckSystem\CheckSystem.cpp:1091: ERROR: \MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons: PdhAddCounter failed: -1073738824: L'objet spécifié n'a pas été trouvé sur le système.
(\MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons|\MSExchangeIS Mailbox\Active Client Logons)
Any ideas ?
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Post by Lol91 »

magzz69 wrote:When I use the plugin in command line i've got 0 for all the plugins. But my exchange didn't send 0 messages etc etc..

What is the problem?

I'm using the plugin on nagios but it will be working , won't it?
Are you using a non english version for your OS ?
if YES, ALL counters must be translated inside the scripts.

Exemple : on a french W2K3 you must use :

Code: Select all

SMTP_MsgsReceived=\SmtpReceive MsExchangeTransport(_total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus
If you have trouble with "spéçiàl" caracters beetween Linux and Windows you can use NPRE alias on NSCLient to define the counter on windows side to avoid the problem

Exemple :
in NSC.ini

Code: Select all

[External Alias]
alias_SMTP_MsgsReceived=CheckCounter "Counter:SMTP_MsgsReceived=\SmtpReceive MsExchangeTransport(_total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus" ShowAll
And then use NRPE

Code: Select all

check_nrpe -H serveur -c alias_SMTP_MsgsReceived
<VF>Bon courage </VF> :D
Last edited by Lol91 on Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Runan »

Ok, you're right ...

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Post by Minifab »

Hi Runan,

I have the same probleme for my French Exchange 2007 Server.
Can you give me all alias you are using please ?

Thanks in advance :)

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Post by Runan »

You can find on this post the .pl scripts avec french counters.

.pl scripts with french counters
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Post by Minifab »

Hey thanks very much for your help ! But it still doesn't work :(, it still returned me 0 :

[root@adm2 scripts]# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H -p 12489 -s mdpmdp -v COUNTER -l "\\SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\\Nombre total de messages reçus"

Have you any idéas ?

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Post by Minifab »

It seems to be a problem with charset :(

(\File d'attente MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages remis|\File d'attente MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages remis)
2010-07-15 11:29:41: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1019: ERROR: Counter not found: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus: The specified counter was not found in the performance object.
2010-07-15 11:29:41: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1021: ERROR: Counter not found: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus: The specified counter was not found in the performance object.
2010-07-15 11:29:41: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1050: ERROR: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus: PdhAddCounter failed: -1073738823: Le compteur spécifié n'a pas été trouvé.
(\SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus|\SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre Total de Messages reçus)
2010-07-15 11:29:45: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1019: ERROR: Counter not found: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages reçus: The specified counter was not found in the performance object.
2010-07-15 11:29:45: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1021: ERROR: Counter not found: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages reçus: The specified counter was not found in the performance object.
2010-07-15 11:29:45: error:.\CheckSystem.cpp:1050: ERROR: \SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages reçus: PdhAddCounter failed: -1073738823: Le compteur spécifié n'a pas été trouvé.
(\SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages reçus|\SmtpReceive MSExchangeTransport(_Total)\Nombre total de messages reçus)
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Post by Runan »

To find the exact label, you need to open mmc of performance counter of the exchnage 2007 server and you will read the exact synthax ... it depends of the system langage
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