Hey all, I've written a little PHP script to get memory usage values from a Windows server via SNMP. The script works fine and I've set up the templates and they all seem ok however the graph is only showing one value correctly when there should be two.
Any ideas? I'm fairly sure it's something simple but I've checked everything a few times and can't find the mistake. Attached a bunch of screenshots to show where I'm at. If theres anything I've missed let me know.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
[solved] Graph not displaying a value
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
[solved] Graph not displaying a value
- Attachments
- Graph with debug on
- graph_debug.jpg (58.34 KiB) Viewed 948 times
- Data source with debug on
- data_debug.jpg (65.38 KiB) Viewed 948 times
- rrdtool output for the rra file. As far as I can see, it shows both values there?
- rrdtool_output.jpg (53.53 KiB) Viewed 948 times
- Output from my script, also showing the output of a known working one for format comparison
- script_output.jpg (19.08 KiB) Viewed 948 times
Your max value for data source phy_total is set to 100
You should set that to a higher value.
Code: Select all
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You're sucking up my bandwidth.
J.P. Pasnak,CD
Live fast, die young
You're sucking up my bandwidth.
J.P. Pasnak,CD
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