I'm trying to graph the value reported in a sensor table in snmp, that table contains information about temperature and fan rotation all mixed up. There is a column named type that says if the line actually contains a value related to a fan or to the local temperature. Can I use VALUE/REGEXP in the data query XML file to filter the line that I want ... If yes how can I do that ? Is there any better way ?
Thanks in advance
[solved] Filter in data query
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Have you read through http://docs.cacti.net/ yet?
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
here is the Table :
and here is the xml I currently use :
What I would like to do is to have the entries pertaning to the temperature sensor in a differrent data query than the ones related to fan speed.
Thanks in advance for your help !
here is the Table :
Code: Select all
swSensorIndex swSensorType swSensorStatus swSensorValue swSensorInfo
1 temperature nominal 28 SLOT #0: TEMP #1
2 temperature nominal 29 SLOT #0: TEMP #2
3 fan nominal 4129 FAN #1
4 fan nominal 4129 FAN #2
5 fan nominal 4129 FAN #3
6 power-supply nominal 1 Power Supply #1
Code: Select all
<name>StorageWorks switch Sensors</name>
<description>Queries HP StorageWorks Sensor Table</description>
<name>Sensor Index</name>
<name>Sensor Type</name>
<name>Sensor Info</name>
<name>Sensor Status</name>
<name>Sensor Value</name>
Thanks in advance for your help !
Hmm wonder if it's possible to limit the output based on the swSensorType type...
Personally, I'd just have 3 associated graph templates (and their required data templates) for your main HP StorageWorks Sensor Data Query. One for temp, fans, power. Then from the drop down box for the data query, you'd just select the correct graph type for the swSensorType. simplifies the whole segregation issue since the data is already all there.
Personally, I'd just have 3 associated graph templates (and their required data templates) for your main HP StorageWorks Sensor Data Query. One for temp, fans, power. Then from the drop down box for the data query, you'd just select the correct graph type for the swSensorType. simplifies the whole segregation issue since the data is already all there.
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Hi, thanks for your answer,
That's actually what I did (two graph templates, one for fans, one for temperature) I was just wondering if I can prevent from having the temperature sensor showing up when I'm creating a graph for fan on a device (all sensors appear in the list) ...
But anyway that's a very minor drawback.
That's actually what I did (two graph templates, one for fans, one for temperature) I was just wondering if I can prevent from having the temperature sensor showing up when I'm creating a graph for fan on a device (all sensors appear in the list) ...
But anyway that's a very minor drawback.
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