IP:PORT granularity in CLI scripts

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Big Networks
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IP:PORT granularity in CLI scripts

Post by Big Networks »

Correctly, using the Web UI you can add hosts where and are considered two different devices.

This is not the case in the CLI scripts.

Why the discrepancy?

Wouldn't it make more sense for the two to behave in the same manner?

I've hacked the PHP code and written some Perl to side-step this discrepancy, but I really think this should be implemented in the CLI scripts.

Thanks for listening. :)
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Post by rony »

That is definitely not right....

Please submit a bug at http://www.cacti.net/bugs.php
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Big Networks
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Post by Big Networks »

Reported - 0001534

Here's the diff of my hack of cli/add_device.php versus the original just to show what's going:

< db_execute("update host set hostname='$ip' where id=" . $hosts[$description]);
< echo "This host already exists in the database ($description) device-id: (" . $hosts[$description] . ")\n";
< exit(1);
> # db_execute("update host set hostname='$ip' where id=" . $hosts[$description]);
> # echo "This host already exists in the database ($description) device-id: (" . $hosts[$description] . ")\n";
> # exit(1);
< if (isset($addresses[$ip]) && $snmp_port == "161" ) {
> if (isset($addresses[$ip])) {
< echo "ERROR: This IP already exists in the database ($ip) device-id: (" . $addresses[$ip] . ")\n";
< exit(1);
> #echo "ERROR: This IP already exists in the database ($ip) device-id: (" . $addresses[$ip] . ")\n";
> #exit(1);
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Post by Howie »

In fact in the web UI you can have two devices with the same IP AND port.

The cli will rename the existing device if you try to add a second one. It also doesn't tell you that it did that.
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