i'm wondering if it's possible to use the
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Currently my Scripts are called for each Output field and each Index separatly.
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<name>Get Nmon AIX CPU System Data</name>
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/opt/pware/htdocs/cacti/scripts/nmonaixcpu.sh host1 get cpusys CPU01
/opt/pware/htdocs/cacti/scripts/nmonaixcpu.sh host1 get cpuwait CPU01
/opt/pware/htdocs/cacti/scripts/nmonaixcpu.sh host1 get cpuidle CPU01
/opt/pware/htdocs/cacti/scripts/nmonaixcpu.sh host1 get cpuuser CPU01
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/opt/pware/htdocs/cacti/scripts/nmonaixcpu.sh host1 walk CPU01
cpuuser:50 cpusys:2.2 cpuwait:0 cpuidle:47.8
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