Only have the login interface and then... NOTHING :-(

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Only have the login interface and then... NOTHING :-(

Post by Bioman »


I set up cacti 0.8.5a fine and it used to work for a few days (upgraded from 0.8.4).

Today, I found out a very weird problem :
When I try to login, I have the login interface.
If I deliberately put a wrong Login/Pwd I have an error message.

If I put the correct Login/Pwd then I just have a white sheet... :o

I checked and re-checked the conf and there's nothing that I can see.
Seems like there is a problem with the auth.php file (???).

Can anybody help me please ? :cry:

Thanx !
Last edited by Bioman on Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

index.php then nothing

Post by jice »

Hep Bioman, i have exactly the same problem! Cacti runned fine for months. And today it seems to have a problem, i ve upgraded it (debian).
I hope it will be fixed.
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Post by Bioman »

Yes, this is an upgrade from Debian.

Can't anyone help ?... This is very annoying !

Solution (debian package bug)

Post by MikeDeb »

According to the package buglist available here :

This is a php4 CLI packaging mistake :

You can correct this issue by editing "/etc/php4/cli/php.ini" and uncomment "" on line 536.

That's all :)

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:13 am

Post by Bioman »

Sorry, but this is not the answer :cry:
I had a look at this file which are (there are 2 of them) in etc/php4/apache and etc/php4/cgi.
The directory ./cli does not exist.
Anyway, in the two files, the line is uncommented.

Moreover, the php4 version is 4.3.3-4...

Any other idea ?...

Thanx a lot for the answer !
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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:13 am

Post by Bioman »

I keep trying to understand what can be wrong here.
If it can help, I realised this :
I login, and have a white sheet... Nothing but white.
BUT, if I remove ./index.php and put graph_view.php, then I have the objects tree. But there is no way I can see a graph (no picture generated ?).

Could help soone to understand... maybe... :(

Debian problem

Post by Jice »

I've read
I've reconfigured my ./cli/php.ini. Same problem anyway :/ It seems to be a "DEBIAN" problem and not a cacti one. I hope they'll find out a solution ! :p

Debian /etc/php4/cli/php.ini

Post by jice »

; ... or under UNIX:
There's an error anywa it seems :/
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2004 9:13 am

Post by Bioman »

OK, last thing to do :
remove with
dpkg --purge
remove some files manually
apt-get install
and use the BackUp DB for the newly installed cacti.

Everything's back, but I'll never know why the thing was down...

Lame !
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