32 and 64 bits counters

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32 and 64 bits counters

Post by acornu »


Anyone had any problems having a device poll both the regular and the 64bits interface counters?

I have some switches having flexwan links (T1/DS3) and GigE links having traffic over 100Mbps.
When I mix both, none will graph.

[b]Cacti Version[/b]: 0.8.7e - [b]Plugin Architecture[/b]: v2.6 - [b]Poller Type[/b]: spine - [b]Server Info[/b]: Linux (CentOS5) 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5 - [b]Web Server[/b]: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) - [b]PHP[/b]: 5.1.6 - [b]MySQL[/b]: 5.0.77 - [b]RRDTool[/b]: 1.3.7 - [b]SNMP[/b]:
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Post by BSOD2600 »

64bit counters require snmpv2.
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Post by zeki »

I usually use 64bit counters for gig links and regular ones for anything else.
it graphs funky if you don't use 64bit counters for any links above a gig
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Post by geertn444 »

Do some calculations.
We have noticed that with a poll cycle of 5 minutes, any load above 114 Mbps is NOT graphed correctly with 32-bit counters because they will wrap.
So for any gigabit OR 100Mbps Etherchannel, we have converted all graphs to 64-bit counters (and SNMPv2!). Then we suddenly discovered the load on the network was actually 2-3 times higher as expected :-)
| Cacti 0.8.6i with Plugin Architecture | Plugins: Monitor, Thresholds, Wheathermap
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