New at cacti : trying to add bandwidth

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New at cacti : trying to add bandwidth

Post by Iban »

Hi all,

I am a newer at cacti. An I have found a couple of trubles when I have tried to add several bandwidth in an unique graph. I have followe a coupple of tutorials in order to do this. The first the most simple (trying to add eth1+eth2 = bond0 interface usinf the in/out bytes with total bandwith) but I get 2 network graph and I only want one.

The second is very large, creating a templete (there is a very nice manual in 42 steps ;) but at the end I get some errors related with CF/LAST and AVERAGE, that is suposed that are solved in the 8.7.d version (Which I am using on debian), but If i change the last for average it works but the result is not good.

Is there any way to add several port or ethx BW's (I/O) in only one graph?
Thanks In advance Iban
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Post by mcutting »

The first the most simple (trying to add eth1+eth2 = bond0 interface usinf the in/out bytes with total bandwith) but I get 2 network graph and I only want one.
Take a look at the AGGREGATE plugin - you'll need the Plugin Archtechture installed if you don't have this already
The second is very large, creating a templete (there is a very nice manual in 42 steps but at the end I get some errors related with CF/LAST and AVERAGE, that is suposed that are solved in the 8.7.d version (Which I am using on debian), but If i change the last for average it works but the result is not good.
This is a known issue in recent versions of Cacti. To resolve this:

1. Click CONSOLE
2. Under MANAGEMENT, click "Data Sources", then click "RRAs"
3. In each RRA (for example, Daily, Weekly...) look under CONSOLIDATION FUNCTION and select LAST along with the other selections
4. Click SAVE
5. Do the same for the RRA's that you require
6. Delete and recreate your graphs

This should give you what you want.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
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