One graph - different scaling?

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One graph - different scaling?

Post by dainiookas »

I've now an idea to draw some kind of graphs with 2 different values but would like to have it on one graph. The problem is that I have very different values in it, that is one graph can have values 0-10 and another one 0 - 4000. If I depict two lines in the same graph the 0-10 value will be almost invisible. Is there a way to have different scale'ing values or something like that to solve this problem?
I have an idea to draw one of these values to negative Y values, and other to positive, but then again - the 0-10 line will be almost invisible.

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Re: One graph - different scaling?

Post by alexs77 »

dainiookas wrote:Hi,
I've now an idea to draw some kind of graphs with 2 different values but would like to have it on one graph. The problem is that I have very different values in it, that is one graph can have values 0-10 and another one 0 - 4000. If I depict two lines in the same graph the 0-10 value will be almost invisible. Is there a way to have different scale'ing values or something like that to solve this problem?
I have an idea to draw one of these values to negative Y values, and other to positive, but then again - the 0-10 line will be almost invisible.

Well, rrdtool supports having a left AND a right axis. But Cacti doesn't support this yet. I'm mentioning this, because that would seem like the perfect solution for your problem.
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Re: One graph - different scaling?

Post by BSOD2600 »

alexs77 wrote:Well, rrdtool supports having a left AND a right axis. But Cacti doesn't support this yet.
Right, just talked about last week too:
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