XML Query hexadecimal to decimal

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XML Query hexadecimal to decimal

Post by li0n »


I'm trying to find a way to transform a snmp query returning IP in hexadecimal to a decimal value:

xx. = Hex-STRING: 50 7D D7 A4
xx. = Hex-STRING: 50 7D D6 65
xx. = Hex-STRING: 52 DD B7 A5
xx. = Hex-STRING: 52 AD C6 7F

<name>VS IP Address</name>

i tried with <source> regex with no sucess

Is it possible ?


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Post by gandalf »

AFAIK, this is not possible. Cacti XML, even if armed with REGEXP, won't allow for conversion of hex-to-decimal.
This would require a Script Data Query, which, in general, works very much like a SNMP Data Query apart from the fact, that a script is called from the XML file which performs all data retrieval. This script may do hex-to-decimal conversion for you.
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conversion of hex-to-decimal for IP of VS on Load Balancer.

Post by prasadpkulkarni »

Anybody got any solution on this ?? my Pool member graphs shows HEX value of IP address.

I am using cacti 0.8.7c with spine.

Thanks in advance

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